UA Supply Chain Mgmt Program Ranks High

<p>[University</a> of Alabama News UA Supply Chain Management, Logistics Program Ranks High in Research Productivity](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>TUSCALOOSA, Ala.<em>—</em>A just-published paper examining author affiliation in supply chain management and logistics ranks The University of Alabama’s program ninth in each of two of the top journals in the field, the Journal of Business Logistics*and the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.</p>

<p>“It is a ranking of research productivity in the area of<em>supply chain management and logistics,” said Dr. Glenn Richey, associate professor of marketing.</em>“It has been published every year since analysis started*in 1967.”</p>

<p>The paper also says the UA program represents the 10th most productive overall research school world-wide in supply chain management and logistics.</p>