UA to become an All Steinway School

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>"TUSCALOOSA, Ala.—The University of Alabama and piano crafters Steinway & Sons are making beautiful music together.</p>

<p>The University’s School of Music is becoming an “All Steinway School,” which will bring the Capstone into some rarefied air. Other “All Steinway” schools include Yale, Julliard, and the Oberlin Conservatory of Music.</p>

<p>“As the University of Alabama School of Music has always stood for the highest level of quality in all things, many of our current pianos used throughout the program are Steinways,” said Skip Snead, chair of the School of Music in the College of Arts and Sciences. “In the coming months and years, all of our pianos will be systematically replaced with state-of-the-art Steinway instruments. This ‘Steinway Initiative’ will publicly recognize and rank our keyboard department among the finest programs in the nation.”</p>

<p>The result will be music majors who are better prepared for work in their fields after graduation, as well as recruiting more top students to UA."</p>


<p>That’s great news! We don’t talk much about the music department in this forum but I know that my student has enjoyed all his music performance classes. We, as parents, love watching the performances live streamed. Heads up…anyone can watch the performances and recitals if they are being aired. Just check the music department’s web page for info and links. These students are incredibly talented. There is a pretty terrific Christmas Concert each year. If you are on campus, you can check out what is being performed and buy tickets. The tickets are relatively inexpensive.</p>

<p>The next Huxford Symphony Orchestra concert I thought was Thursday Feb 13th, featuring the annual student concerto competition winner, Ravel and Mussorgsky/Ravel. The link for UStream is: <a href=“”>;/a&gt; and if that doesn’t come through, go to UStream and search for UOFA-SOM (exactly as that is spelled with the hyphen).
And, here is the link to the SofM’s calendar: <a href=“”>;/a&gt; - it might be fiddly, so work around on there to see a month in advance (rather than just a week). There is always plenty going on! This calendar says the next Huxford is Sunday Feb 16th. Not sure which is correct. Perhaps there are two concerts.</p>

<p>Sometimes there are several performances scheduled each day, so the SOM picks what gets live streamed.</p>