UAB vs UAH Safety?

Which is best for a premed student?? Also, which fits my budget more?
Stats: 31 ACT, 32 super scored
1420 SAT, 720 EBRW + 700 Math
3.83 GPA, and although I’ve taken honors classes, I’m homeschooled so we never really counted them.
High As in math and science
Have taken honors biology, chemistry, and taking physics
Have taken algebra 1&2, geometry, trig, precalc, calc this year
Intended major is biology or biochemistry or neuroscience on a premedicine track
ECs: Theatre for 5 years
Choir for 2
Sports for 5
Leadership position in theatre (assistant director) for 1
Dance class for 14 (tap, jazz, ballet)
Art & art history
Volunteer work: a lot for CPC(crisis pregnancy center), my church, Salvation Army, etc. My budget is <15k a year, my dad makes about 150-159k a year, my mom is not working. indicates full tuition scholarship at UAH. Based on , the remaining cost will be $16,325 ($9,717 if you can live with parents).

If you are an Alabama resident, you get tuition and fees at UAB, according to . This leaves a remaining cost of $11,680, based on .

If you are not an Alabama resident, you get $15,000 per year at UAB, according to . This leaves a remaining cost of $20,470, based on .

So if you are an Alabama resident, UAB is likely to be more comfortably under budget, but if you are not an Alabama resident, UAB will be over your budget. UAH will be marginally over budget either way (unless you live with parents nearby), so you may be able to make it fit by frugal living on the personal expenses and such, and/or small outside scholarships.

Some other schools may give you a full ride for your stats.

Could you suggest other schools?? Thanks! has a list of automatic-for-stats large merit scholarships.

In Alabama, you can get a full ride at Alabama State, Troy, or Tuskegee with your stats. There are also several schools in Mississippi, and Prairie View A&M in Texas, that offer full rides for your stats.

As you ? are in an academic common market state with Alabama (I think that is the right description?) you might have to dig a bit to see what that does to your cost assessment, I would assume it would only be in your favor, but just google that stuff.

South Alabama, UAH, UAB. all good schools… do you live close to any of them where you could live at home? THat’s a great way to save money. Unless, like most high schoolers you want to move out. Then try and find a school you can get a full ride at. UAB & UAH def give out good scholarships. UAH’s safety rating is better than UAB’s. Good luck :slight_smile: