UC admissions questions


<p>BS, all three of those schools are easy to get into.</p>


<p>Just raise your CR score to at least 600 and write your essays well. UCs tend to focus on them as well as extracurriculars (especially when you are on a varsity sport and are a VP/President of some club and do volunteering), which you definitely have down along with your GPA.</p>

<p>Im sorry again, hahah
I got really defensive when i heard “no” but that was answering the question am i in for sure and not is there a chance. I am also sorry i turned so many of you off of chance threads.</p>

<p>Calimami, hahahaha… I’m glad somebody gets me. I’ve got three kids (21, 19, 17) and sometimes I feel like an alien! :-)</p>

<p>and Truffliepuff, I do hope you are being sarcastic. If not, I’m not going to dignify your comment with a response…</p>

<p>mccormickt12, It’s okay. I understand. I get you… haha :-)</p>


You are mistaken. The OP indicates he/she is ELC. ELC still exists and ELC still guarantees acceptance at designated campuses. For Fall 2011 admissions, ELC will remain as it has been for several years: the top 4% at each high school receive ELC designation and guaranteed acceptance. Contrary to what you have posted, beginning Fall 2012 ELC expands to include the top 9% at each high school.[Eligibility</a> in the Local Context (ELC)](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/]Eligibility”>http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/)
<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/local_eligibility.html[/url]”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/local_eligibility.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>As I said earlier, students need to go into the application process with eyes wide open and accurate information. Please visit the official UC website for accurate information.</p>

<p>u can cut and paste til the cows come home for all i care. i know what the website says. the information is readily available. </p>

<p>but try telling that to the kids who were denied (with high stats) at ucd, uci, sb, sc (while being referred to merced) this past spring and who will be denied in 2011. yeah, their admission was “guaranteed” alright…</p>


You are correct, the information is readily available - which is fortunate when people are posting mis-information such as saying ELC no longer exists.

More mis-information. ELC has nothing to do with “high stats.” Test scores are not included in the determination of ELC. The OP is ELC. So the OP will receive a guarantee if he submits an application(s) to guaranteed campuses.

Yes, I can. It isn’t difficult at all.</p>

<p>If this helps at all, my son was ELC. He was guaranteed acceptance to UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside and UC Merced. ELC did not guarantee him acceptance to UCLA, UCSD, or UCB, although the admissions officers at those universities do make note of the ELC designation. I think the program next year is going to be run the same. The year after that will be different. So there you go, for what it’s worth.</p>

<p>elc? oh, missed where he said that. then…nevermind. </p>

<p>people get so overheated on college confidential. good lord!</p>

<p>Hahahaha!!! Oh my, that is hysterical. I loved your phrasing where you said “til the cows come home.” I use that all the time! :-)</p>

<p>lol </p>

<p>have a nice weekend, momfirst! :-)</p>

<p>You too! :-)</p>

<p>I was not being sarcastic.
And I have proof that all three of those schools are easy to get into if you actually tried during school</p>

<p>1st Cousin - UCSD (w/ ELC at everywhere except UCB and UCLA - he did not apply to UCLA)
UW GPA: 3.67
W GPA: 4.1
Rank: 7/467
SAT: 1840
4 years tennis (2 JV, 2 V)
Mostly 3’s and 4’s on AP exams, with some 5’s, 11 AP exams
Leo Club (no positions), CSF (no positions), School Academic Program (no position)
Good teacher recommendations, Good Essays <– those are what count obviously
Major: Biology
Yeah, he only did two things. AND he’s Asian.</p>

<p>2nd Cousin - UCLA (w/ ELC at everywhere except UCB - YES HE GOT ELC AT UCLA)
UW GPA: 3.72
W GPA: 4.13
Rank: 7/452
SAT: 2010
2 years tennis (Frosh, JV)
Mostly 3’s and 4’s on exams, with some 5’s, 10 AP exams
Leo Club (VP), History Club (VP), Environmental Science Club (VP), CSF (Treasurer), School Academic Program (Treasurer)
Extremely good counselor recommendations, Average teacher recommendations, Good essays (went through a lot in his life)
Major: Biochemistry</p>

<p>'10 Valedictorian - UC Berkeley (w/ ELC at every UC school)
UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.67
Rank: 1/452
SAT: 1940
4 years Cross Country (2 JV, 2 V), 4 years Track (2 JV, 2 V)
All 5’s on 13 AP exams
Leo Club (President), History Club (no position), Environmental Science Club (President), CSF (VP), School Volunteer Program (President), School Academic Program (VP)
Extremely good counselor and teacher recommendations, Average Essays
Major: Physics

<p>'10 Salutatorian - UC Berkeley (w/ ELC at every UC school)
UW GPA: 3.92
W GPA: 4.53
Rank: 2/452
SAT: 2020
4 years tennis (ALL 4 years VARSITY)
Mostly 5’s and few 4’s on 12 AP exams
Environmental Science Club (President), Leo Club (Secretary), Journalism Club (President), School Academic Program (no position)
City Rotary Club and Optomist Club Speech Winner
Extremely good counselor and teacher recommendations, Good essays
Major: Chemistry

<p>'10 #3 student - UC Berkeley (w/ ELC at every school except UCLA - she was rejected from UCLA)
UW GPA: 3.83
W GPA: 4.51
Rank: 3/452
SAT: 1920
4 years tennis (2 JV, 2 V)
Mostly 5’s and few 4’s on 12 AP exams
History Club (President), Leo Club (President), Environmental Science Club (no position), School Academic Program (President)
Extremely good counselor and teacher recommendations, Extremely good essays (this girl is a really good writer)
Major: Business (she got into HAAS) Minor: History

<p>As you can see, as long as you have plentiful extracurriculars (you don’t even have to be outstanding in them) along with a decent GPA and SAT score (doesn’t have to be outstanding either), you will definitely get into UCLA, UCSD, or UCB. In fact the people I mentioned above didn’t even have outstanding SAT scores - or, rather, what is perceived to be the “minimum standards” for the schools (i.e. many say you have to have 2100 to get into UCB and UCLA … as you can see this is clearly false). They got in based on their GPA -> ELC and their TEACHER/COUNSELOR RECOMMENDATIONS AND ESSAY STATEMENTS.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the hell your son was doing during high school, momfirst3. I don’t know if he offended any teachers or counselors and caused himself to receive mundane or perhaps horrible recommendations; I don’t know if he also wasn’t favorable among his peers and wasn’t able to obtain notable significane in clubs or organizations, but getting into UCLA, UCB, and UCSD is not hard unless you have truly unqualified stats, thus rendering them reaches.</p>

<p>Woah… How’s that chip on your shoulder??? Anyhow, ELC DOES NOT GUARANTEE ANYONE ADMISSION TO UCLA, UCB, OR UCSD. I don’t know what the **** your problem is or why you have decided to be an *** to me. Unbelievable. </p>

<p>As for my sons stats, how’s a 4.8 W GPA (4.0 W GPA), Class Rank #1 out of 772, National AP Scholar (13 AP Exams, 10 5’s and 3 4’s), 34 ACT, 3 SAT Subject Tests all over 750, CSF, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Teen Screen, 4 year Varsity Letterman with too many awards to list, Nationally ranked in his sport as well. </p>

<p>UC’S do not accept letters of recommendation and my son received OUTSTANDING letters of rec for the places that required them. He also received some scholarships based on his character, intelligence, and athletic ability. He was a recruited athlete as well. He was on the Prom Court and is quite popular, thank you very much. Before you insult my son you might want to check your facts.</p>


<p>Yes it does. If you read my post above more meticulously, you would have known that my cousin, the valedictorian, and salutatorian were all guaranteed admission to UCLA, UCB, and UCSD. Therefore your statement is invalidated.</p>

<p>I think it’s just stupid how you are making out the admissions to the aforementioned UC schools. You’re making them seem like they are crapshoots like the Ivies, which they are FAR from ever being. It’s not hard if you play your cards right by getting a good GPA, maintaing top 5% in the class, doing some extracurriculars, and having good recommendations and personal statements. ELC DOES HELP. You’re telling everyone how difficult it is to get into UCSD, UCLA, and UCB, even though it isn’t, which I proved with the stats of the people in my previous post, stats that are even lower than that of your son’s. Even my first cousin, who wasn’t even a valedictorian and had poor ECs and an average GPA, got into UCSD.</p>

<p>You don’t even need as much as your son did. Why didn’t you have your son apply to schools that are better than those 3 UC schools, like Stanford and the Ivies, especially considering that he’s a nationally ranked athlete while being valedictorian? Your son’s stats are far too overqualified even for UCLA and UCB, which, I would like to emphasize to everyone again, are not hard to get into unless you have ****ty stats.</p>

<p>Regarding ELC admission for fall 2010:</p>

<p>ELC Guaranteed Acceptance</p>

<p>The following campuses will guarantee acceptance to ELC students:</p>

<pre><code>* Davis

  • Irvine
  • Merced
  • Riverside
  • Santa Barbara

<p>ELC is value added for Berkeley, but UCLA does not consider ELC.</p>

<p>This is where I got my information and I think it is accurate. I choose to believe this over believing you. I never said UCLA, UCB or UCSD were crapshoots. I seriously have no clue why you are on my case. I just said his stats were on the low side for those schools and they are, especially for EECS at Berkeley. I never said he couldn’t get in.</p>

<p>My son decided what schools to apply to as he is the one going to college, not me. He didn’t like Stanford and didn’t apply there. He didn’t apply to the Ivy League because he didn’t want to. His final two came down to Harvey Mudd and Cal. Cal is the #2 engineering school in the country and it was his first choice. He wanted to go to Cal.</p>

<p>I hope someday you will mature to the point that you can have differing opinions with someone without insulting them. It is a very ugly character trait and one I hope you out grow soon. By the way, where do you go to school?</p>

<p>sry truffle, but your post stretches the imagination. First off, you claim that they got in on: 1) gpa; 2) ELC; and 3) recs…</p>

<p>Since UC’s do not accept recs, your post raises a question about its accuracy.</p>

<p>Second, the uw gpa you post for someone ranked 7 out of 452 is also questionable, unless your cuz attended the most competitive school in the state. A 3.72 means a lot of B’s., but a rank of 7 means that everyone else received a lot more B’s. Sorry, but just hard to believe.</p>

<p>Finally, it is hard to separate ELC from gpa/rank (obviously). But without ELC, your relatives still had an extremely high rank, and that is the point for Cal and UCLA. It isn’t ELC per se, but gpa that gets one in. GPA plus UC soft factors, such as low income, first gen to go to college, overcoming adversity and the like.</p>

<p>Also note that race is a non-factor. And that the OP desires Cal’s College of Engineering, which is the most difficult admit, (at least for a guy). L&S is easier.</p>


<p>UCLA admissions profile (WAY more than averages,thousands of data points, not anecdotal reports)</p>

<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Freshmen, Fall 2009 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof10.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof10.htm)</p>

<p>Hard to know how the odds shift when you mix things up, but “easy” must be relative when less than 50% of kids with better than a 4.0 don’t get in! My D was one of them, and her SAT was 2000+.(22% admit rate in that group)</p>

<p>The acceptance rates at UCB and UCLA hover around 20%, which most would consider far from “guaranteed” admission.</p>

<p>Ok hypothetical situation. Disregard my stats.<br>
If i got into EECS at berkeley for spring semester or UCLA and UCSD for fall.
where should i go?</p>

<p>For EECS?? Berkeley, hands down! Now this is a question I am happy to answer. Go Bears!</p>