UC Application: Formatting issue with Personal Insight Question Responses

Hi- my daughter is working on her UC application. When she pasted in the responses to the personal insight questions that she’d created outside the application, they had been in a format of double-spaced with paragraphs indented at the beginning of each paragraph. But when they were pasted in, they show as single spaced and no indents for the paragraphs. She tried adding an indent to the beginning of each paragraph within the application (by hitting the space bar five times as it would not respond to Tab) and putting a line of space between each paragraph, but when she hit save, it went back to the same single-spaced format with no indents for the paragraphs.

She had originally pasted them in from Google Docs where she’d drafted them, so we also tried saving one as plain text and then pasting it in but the same issues occurred. Has anyone else had this issue and, if so, found any way around it? We did notice when she hit the button to review the responses, they then showed up to her as double-spaced so perhaps they will show up differently to the UC readers than they do to us, but just wondering. Thanks.

If you see proper formatting under review, then the readers undoubtedly will as well. Not everything is WYSIWYG at each stage.

Thanks, AboutTheSame. We did find that we could put a space between the paragraphs even though we couldn’t indent - it had to do with putting the cursor at the beginning of the new paragraph and then hitting enter rather than at the end of the prior paragraph - strange but true for us anyway. I am sure you’re right though, it wouldn’t really matter either way but I felt better with it being more legible.

Of course you want it to look as good as possible. And it’s frustrating when you can’t bend a form to your will. A young friend was trying to fill out a job application the other day, and it would not accept her past addresses & references – because they were in a European format!! Sounds like you found a solution. Best of luck to your daughter.

If I recall correctly, the forms remove indentation. They won’t see an indent regardless of what you do. In previous years I think they even took out spaces created by hitting return/enter twice.

@briank82 that’s interesting about the indentation, and is consistent with what I found but I WAS able to make the space from hitting return/enter stick as I described above so I was satisfied with that in the end! And thanks @AboutTheSame !