UC Application - Not accepting SAT Scores after graduation?

Hello to all,

I was just filling the UC Application when I saw the following note - UC accepts scores only from exams taken before high school graduation. 

As a Singaporean (Indian ethnicity), I had to serve mandatory national service so I had always planned to take my SATs and subject tests in the period after graduation and before enlistment (Fall/Winter 2013). I never knew about this criteria and when I went back to check twice, it no longer shows the note.

Does anyone have any more information on this? Is this really the case?

Any help is appreciated, as the UCs are my first choice, and UCLA is my dream school.


As long as you can still be officially classified as a Freshman, then it shouldn’t
matter if you took your tests prior to, or after HS graduation. Why don’t you send the UCLA folks an email to confirm?

I was planning to, but the reason I checked here first is that the I can no longer see that note on the SAT self reporting page. That was why I posted here first, just to see if anyone else saw the same thing.

Thanks for your reply though, closer to the date, ill definitely check with the admission officers before sending my app.

If others are having a similar issue just wanted to the post the answer. I mailed the UCs and they said that they DO NOT accept scores after graduation. There go my first choice Us…