UC Application without a fine arts credit - admission by examination?

I am a senior applying to the UC system from out of state, and I have not taken a fine arts course. However, on the UC website it says that admission by examination could make me eligible for admission even without having taken a fine arts course based on SAT, ACT and subject test scores. The UC adjusted test score requirement for such consideration is 425, and my test scores equate to a 470. The only problem I see is that this usually applies to homeschooled students or those with other extenuating circumstances, and the only reason I have not taken one is because, being out of state, I did not know it was required.

At my school, I am an IB diploma candidate, and I elected to test in another humanities course (as most others do) rather than pursue IB theater (the only IB arts course my school offers). Instead of pursuing ceramics or graphic arts, I pursue a full load of IB classes. I have a 4.56 UC GPA, a varsity letter for a sport requiring 18 hours of weekly practice 44 weeks a year (team went to nationals), a full time summer research internship… etc.

Will my application be considered anyway?

A yearlong VPA course is a UC requirement. If you are in a situation that you cannot take that requirement, you can fulfill it by the following methods below. You will get little sympathy if the course(s) are available and you chose not take it. Some UC’s such as UCLA will not automatically reject you, but most UC’s will expect you to fulfill the requirement. Due to the competitive nature of the UC’s, it is to your benefit to try to be as competitive as possible.

AP or IB examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP History of Art, Studio Art or Music Theory Exam;
score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Dance, Film, Music, Theatre Arts or Visual Arts

College courses
Grade of C or better in any transferable course of 3 semester (4 quarter) units that clearly falls within one of four visual/performing arts disciplines: dance, drama/theater, music or visual art

There have several posts in the last few years where applicants have tried using the “admission by examination” but have failed getting accepted. The operable words for the “admission by examination” is that you MAY BE CONSIDERED. I suggest you look into a community college course or consider taking one of the AP exams.

Here is the response from UCLA sent to another poster regarding the VPA requirement:
In addition, while the University of California have a set pattern of academic courses that are required for admission, we understand that these subject requirements may be difficult for some applicants to meet due to differences in school curriculum.

All applications for admission are reviewed within the context of courses available to them; if a particular required subject is not available, we will consider the application without it. We would not deny an applicant due to any one single criteria, therefore if the applicant is otherwise a strong competitive applicant but they are missing the VPA course (1 semester or the entire year) we can still admit that student.

There is no single academic path that we expect all students to follow, but the strongest applicants take the most rigorous high school curriculum available to them.

UCLA Undergraduate Admission

Here is another thread that might be of interest: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/california-colleges/1866736-admission-by-examination.html

The thing is, I am taking “the most rigorous high school curriculum available to” me by not taking any arts course. Obviously the admission by examination won’t guarantee me a spot, but I’m just wondering if it would make me eligible for admission. I am definitely a “strong competitive applicant” who is “missing the VPA course.”

The only issue is that I could have taken an arts class at some point during my freshman year, but I was just not aware that I needed to do so.

All you can do is apply. UCLA might be more forgiving than other UC campuses. You can always call to confirm.

Generally, if you don’t have the a-g courses complete, they don’t consider your application. As you note, there are exceptions but, my understanding is, they are rare. You music or photography course at your local CC would probably do the trick…it is late but, any chance you can squeeze that in? If so, contact UCLA and explain your plan to meet the requirement… if not, let it ride and see what happens.

Good luck.

This is the reply I got from UC re: VPA requirement. I am not applying to UC because I don’t meet the requirement.