UC Applications: What term type for community college courses?

<p>I’m applying to UCs right now, and I’m not quite sure as to what I should put for term type for the community college I also take classes at.</p>

<p>So I take courses at De Anza Community College (if it helps anyone) and I know it’s split up by like fall, winter, spring, summer quarter so I’d assume the term type would be quarter. Problem is that each quarter is a completely new course, not like taking Bio101 all year split up into 4 grading periods and such. So when I go to input my grades in, each course is listed under 1st Term. That means it’s like I took three classes in first term (which I assume equals fall quarter) and nothing the other three terms, but I did. Doesn’t this also sort of mean that I never fully completed the courses, but I did? My friend said to just list them as full term, but I wanted to check.</p>

<p>Sorry if that was kinda confusing.</p>

<p>What you want to do is list De Anza as a school you attend (in addition to you home high school). Then you specify De Anza as being on the Trimester system (i.e., it has 3 terms per academic year... yes, I know De Anza calls them quarters, but for the UC application they're trimesters).</p>

<p>Then, for each course, you'll report a grade for one of the trimesters (fall, winter, or spring) and "No Course" for the other two trimesters. So, for example, if you took Bio 101 in the fall and got an A-, you'd report:
A No Course No course</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>P.S. This only applies to Community Colleges on the quarter system... some of them are on the semester system, but I believe Foothill/De Anza are on the quarter system.</p>