UC Apply as a freshman

<p>For the UC’s, I heard that math and science are more weighted if we apply to engineering as freshmen, so if my math grades are better than my other grades on average, is it better off for me to apply to engineering instead of a math major in L&S? (my chemistry grades are not nearly as good though)
My math grades from 9th-11th grade are 5 A’s and 1 B in 1st semester Calculus BC, (2nd semester was A).</p>

<p>You should only apply to engineering if you have a demonstrated interest in engineering throughout high school (math/science-focused extracurriculars, preferably research-oriented) as well as achieving excellent grades in advanced math and sciences (so you really should have AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics, and AP Calc AB or BC done by the end of high school). You should also have stellar SAT Subject Test scores in Math level 2 and a science that is closely related to the engineering field you are applying (so bio if you are applying to bioengineering, chem if you are applying to chemical engineering, physics if you are applying to mechanical engineering, and so on).</p>

<p>If you don’t have a passion for engineering, applying to engineering will do more harm than good for your chance of admission.</p>