UC Augmented/Supplemental Review Applicants 2023

Since the UCs are currently sending out their augmented review forms, I thought that I’d create a thread for the students receiving them :slight_smile: I’m curious to hear what your stats/majors/ECs/special circumstances are, as well as what schools reached out to you, but share as much or as little as you like. We can try to answer each other’s questions, too!

I’ll start:
GPA: 4.03 W, 3.9 UW
SAT: 1560, taken once in senior year
SAT II Chem: 760, taken sophomore year
Major: Bio/CMB
ECs: Average. 2 years school cheer, JV captain in year 2; 4 years of art electives/3 dual enrollment art classes; 100 hours volunteer work, summer job, and some informal advocacy about the illness I recovered from
Special circumstances: Missed my junior and senior year due to severe illness, but managed to negotiate with my district for 1 more year (this year). As a result, I don’t have a strong junior year courseload/ECs- just the prerequisites, if you include the classes I’m taking this year. I have a solid but not phenomenal senior year schedule- 2 APs and 1 dual enrolled Gen Chem class. I received all As last semester, but the Gen Chem class only started this semester.

I’ve turned in ARs to UCLA and UCSD, where I basically upgraded the personal statement I wrote about my hardship.

GPA: 3.7 W, 3.49 UW
SAT: 1260

For the first question about a remarkable achievement, are we supposed to expand on the ones we already mentioned in the PIQ?

It says: “In your application you may have mentioned an extraordinary talent/skill or academic achievement. Please take this opportunity to share with us more detailed information about the level of your achievement, depth of participation, and passion for this particular area.”

Also, is it better if we answer both? I know it’s optional to, but it would look better right?

@heeeeey You answer whichever questions apply to you/fill in gaps in your application. If you haven’t faced a significant obstacle to your learning, you probably don’t need to answer that prompt. I’m not sure whether they’d add value to an applicant who did both prompts, though. My college counselor seemed to think they were mainly interested in my first semester grades.

GPA: 3.85 UW, 4.0 W
SAT: 1510 (+120 points in a span of 5 months)
Major: Business

I received supplemental applications from UCSD and UC Davis. I had my school assistant principal submit a form of recommendation for me for the latter.

ECs: Average
Special circumstances: my liver condition suddenly aggravated in early September of my junior year. I had to drop 2 APs and 1 Honors class that year. I resumed school around mid-November, w/a weird schedule. I was on the school home-teaching program for 2 subjects (English + History) and went to school for math. I maintain pretty solid grades (got 3 B’s and 3 A’s that year despite medical turbulence).

This year, I am back full time at school and I got straight A’s last semester with a more rigorous workload (1 AP, 1 Honors class).

I did not receive a supplemental application from UCLA though. :frowning:

Good luck to you all!

For the supplemental application are they mostly looking at your grades or your essays??

@koreanbunny: They are looking for more clarification on your specific situation being low grades, health issues/disabilities, Socioeconomic factors, special talent etc… depending upon which supplemental review questions your received.

Admitted to UCLA!! Waitlisted at SD.