*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Is this the same for CNR?

All students who apply to UC Berkeley and select a major within the College of Natural Resources are evaluated based on their application, not on the particular major they select.


Iā€™m an incoming freshman who canceled a couple AP Exams due to the pandemic and a family memberā€™s medical emergency (they became at-risk to the virus). It was only when I got admitted to Berkeley, that I realized these exams were conditions of admission. However, I got responses on reddit saying it was all good, and to fill out the update form on the portal.

Unfortunately, despite filling out the form 2 weeks ago, I have yet to get a response from the admissions office. On top of that, someone else in the same situation told me that someone from the admissions office told them that there were new policies on canceled standardized exams. Should I be concerned, and does anyone have any additional information?

Thank you, I appreciate your help.

Unfortunately you are going to need to be persistent and keep trying to get an answer from the admissions department. They are the only ones who can guide you on this. You can try calling but make sure you get an answer in writing in case you run into problems in the future.

I just emailed Engineering Student Services, and I plan on calling the admissions office again tommorow.

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I posed a similar question to admissions at UCLA and they said that as long as the name of the class-i.e AP Stats is still on the transcript then they donā€™t care. I guess some schools change the class to College Prep if a student doesnā€™t take the AP exam. My daughter asked her counselor and was told that the class would still show up as an AP class on the transcript.

DS has 18 university transferrable credits, 4 CC one semester class credits and some APs, does that qualify him as sophomore ?BTW he is in L&S college. Thanks?

My daughter decided not to take 2 AP exams after she was admitted in 2018. It was no problem, she called admissions and they told her to fill out an online form to update her record. This was a few years ago so things may have changed, Iā€™d call the school to be sure.

Thank you for the information. Did they give her a 100% guarantee of admission not changing? They told me it wasnā€™t 100% certain when I called, but ā€œmore than likelyā€

For those who got into both Cal and UCLA - what are the main considerations? which way are people generally leaning. doing pros and cons now, but finding it difficult without being able to visit the campuses. thanks

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Who should I email or call to let them know of a dropped AP test?

Here is the information: Contact Us - Office of Undergraduate Admissions

some things I had my child consider - quarter vs semester system. distance from home. UCLA has guaranteed 3 years of housing (or they used to) and better dorm foodā€¦But the vibe and energy around Berkeley (for me) is more appealing, even if it is a bitā€¦gritty? For school spirit, they are both great. My oldest son did not think heā€™d care about football games, but is now a huge fan and he loves having the stadium right at campus at Cal (vs UCLA you bus out to Rose Bowl). UCLA has some differences in majors. Both of these schools are wonderful, there is not a wrong choice.

Iā€™m a Cal alum, and my oldest attends. What he (and I) found was that you can get classes, as long as you are persistent and flexible. Our friends at UCLA seem to have a much harder time with class registration. This is purely anecdotal, but you may want to consider major, sizes of classes, look at waitlists from this past year (or previous yearā€™s) class enrollments and how hard it was to get things you may want. (for Berkeley, can go to classes.berkeley.edu and browse previous terms.)

I love the Bay Area, love the food, easy transportation to SF for fun stuff to do for the day. Hiking is unparalleled in my opinion. More shopping near UCLA of course, and the pier/beach are nearby if thatā€™s more your thing.

Good luck with your childā€™s choice!

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This is great feedback. Thereā€™s a lot here we didnā€™t think about so thank you

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My daughter is leaning UCLA. She is graduating from an LAUSD (city of LA) school, reside in NELA (not the westside where the campus is). We visited Berkeley during my son c/o 2018 college trips. I prefer Berkeley for her, but she wants UCLA because of the food, housing guarantee, weather, quarter system allowing for more classes and hopefully ability to raise GPA if needed. She wants communication as her major and to live/work in LA in the future, so I think that is where she is going, but I would support a Berkeley SIR for sure if she wanted it. She is going to visit later next week is the plan.

The academics couldnā€™t go wrong in any of the two schools. UCLA has a better learning experience, while Berkeley has a more competitive environment. It depends on what kind of person you are, but honestly more people would lean toward ucla.

neither my son nor his friends find the environment at Berkeley competitive. People work hard and want to do well, but itā€™s not at the expense of their peers (in their experience). I really do think this is urban legend. My oldest is an EECS major and he said people help each other, itā€™s very collaborative.

I have heard UCLA is similar. Of course, this is all subjective, but I donā€™t think that one outplays another on this particular point overall.

I do think quarter vs semester is much different. I much prefer semester but thatā€™s very personal. I liked having a longer arc in the course and diving a bit deeper in the material. My son said heā€™s so glad he doesnā€™t have to deal with class registration an additional time during the year - something I never considered. :slight_smile:


sure! We are doing round 2 with middle child who would absolutely love being in the Cal Bandā€¦but sadly for me, he wants a small school so heā€™s headed to a small liberal arts college. Iā€™ll enjoy these last two with my oldest son as a parent, and then we will enjoy it together as alums!

Does anyone know if cancelling an AP test you indicated you were going to take would get you rescinded? I already cancelled a test in February

Donā€™t think that really matters, especially this year.