UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Waitlist Thread

My only two guesses so far is that
1: There will be no more spaces for waitlist(like 2019 when nobody hears back anything until a rejection at around 19th.)
2: They haven’t started reviewing our waitlist yet because I personally didn’t know anyone hears back yet. (I don’t know whether the freshman waitlist and our waitlist should be reviewed at the same time or not)

i haven’t heard of any transfers getting off the waitlist yet either! someone from last year’s transfer class mentioned in a reddit post they didn’t get off the waitlist until between june 23rd and 26th (they couldn’t remember the exact day… lol) but as of now it’s still safe to assume nothing’s been released yet. for freshmen i’m not sure since their deadline to commit was may 1st, but i’ll check and see what i can find.

Thanks for sharing your info!!!
In UCLA transfer waitlist thread, someone talked about freshman waitlist and transfer waitlist will be reviewed almost the same time, so we gonna hear back around June 20th.

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Anyone knows whether this year’s freshman regular admission has any effect to us because I heard some people in the thread of 2019 said that over enrollment may cause fewer people in the waitlist to be accepted but I think we are admitted in different levels.

anyone got glitch today?

nah did you?


yall think they gonna take anyone off the waitlist :frowning:

Hey guys! If you haven’t already, please join the discord group.

Not sure anymore tbh

does anyone know if the july 1st deadline for final transcripts applies to waitlisted students as well? i received an email from my CC this afternoon reminding students of the deadline and i already spent $20 sending transcripts to sjsu… do not attend more than one CC if you don’t absolutely have to lol.

also! not sure if it’s already known but i’ll share anyway: cal is the only uc you can’t send electronic transcripts to so when you do send yours out be sure to select the option to send as a hard copy! apparently it’s due to technical issues w the school, so i hope that saves some of you the hassle of finding out after the fact.

*the bit about the transcript was stated in an email from the cañada, csm, and skyline college district. i don’t know if the issue is only with those schools specifically but i figured i’ll include the detail anyway just in case. if anyone can ask someone at their CC if the same applies please let us know!

No it does not apply. You will have about one to two weeks to submit the transcript after accepting your offer

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I am from skyline! I took some classes at csm, will the classes be on the same transcript as the classes at skyline? or I need to order two separate transcript from both colleges?

you should not need to send in transcripts for both colleges since they are both in the san mateo cc district but you should always double check

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i took some classes at cañada this past school year just to boost my gpa and in the email i received yesterday the transfer counselor said that since cañada, csm, and skyline all share the same district you only need to send one copy of your transcript bc it will reflect all three colleges!

thank you!

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Anybody, think tomorrow is the day?

the first wave could be released tomorrow especially since we’re coming up on the end of the month and it’s been crickets so far. i think they release at least two waves of acceptances but i wouldn’t get too nervous about it. looking at the threads of waitlisted freshmen and last year’s transfers it seems like they just take their time.

for anyone that also is waitlisted at ucla someone in that thread called admissions recently and was told a wave should be out around the 20th since waitlisted freshmen were notified of their status on may 20th.

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Let’s pray that tomorrow is the day!

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