UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

guys it says that i am not authorized to submit the withdrawal form.
Does that mean somethin’?

you said that you used the wrong link at first can u share the correct one because my calnet doesn’t have a green button

can you show us a pic?

Does anyone know what the source code stood for again? I have false true true

is yours false true true above the retired prompts?

can any one register Cal Day? like don’t register for real. just take a look

I entered my 10-digit ID, and it sends me an email with a link that says

" Welcome to UC Berkeley! One of the first things you need to do is to establish an online identity - your CalNet ID and associated passphrase - which allows you to access many UC Berkeley online services. To create and activate your CalNet ID, click the link below, within the next 3 days:"

I think it’s probably fine if you don’t click the link, clicking the link might mean you start the registration process

bro i dont think u should enter ur ID into stuff before admissions have been released

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I mistakenly entered it, just wanted to try… not sure if that would be alright.

can you screenshot what you did after your hit sign up for cal day

What I can do now is just not to click the link now I think…

No I didn’t do anything except for deleting that email :joy::joy::joy:

I didn’t registered for cal day, I tried to claim a cal id but didn’t open that link

I tried, but it said not authorized.

I accessed this page https://bcsweb.is.berkeley.edu/ on mobile. You can access a lot more stuff on mobile than you can on desktop by clicking the search button & there’s a page for personal information – including what name you’d like to have on your diploma. There’s also an address section that includes a dormitory address option. Since it has these features and only “forbidden” applicants can access this page, it makes me much more confident that being able to access this page indicates acceptance.

Please, how did you find out about your 10-digit ID?
On the source code page? What keywords to search for?

You should be on desktop or rotate your screen if you are on mobile

it shows access denied … lmao

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Application Not Authorized to Use CAS

The application you attempted to authenticate to is not authorized to use CAS. This usually indicates that the application is not registered with CAS, or its authorization policy defined in its registration record prevents it from leveraging CAS functionality, or it is malformed and unrecognized by CAS. Contact your CAS administrator to learn how you might register and integrate your application with CAS.

loll guessing it’s a rejection?

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what do u click on that link