UC Berkeley to USC?

<p>I know this is quite uncommon since I've heard transfers between Cal and USC generally goes in the USC to Cal direction, but I'm curious on if Cal to USC transfers happen?
I'm going to be a sophomore at UC Berkeley in the fall of 2013, but I've been thinking a lot about the prospects of grad school or getting a job (just about my general future). It seems that I might've made a mistake choosing my colleges April of last year, when I' was been deliberating on where I should go, and only on the last day did I SIR to Berkeley, yet the doubt that I should've gone to USC was always there.</p>

<p>Here is my dilemma:</p>

<p>Last year, I was accepted in to UC Berkeley (intended Psych) and to USC in their 5 years Master program for Occupational Therapy.</p>

<p>(Since I'm the first generation at college in US, and I had no advisers, I just went with Berkeley because it is highly recognized and everyone online seems to think it'd be great to go there.)</p>

<p>My issue is because graduating in 4 years with a bachelor's in psych pretty much doesn't give you a good chance at a job at all, and I will probably go to grad school, which is a ton of money, and in this case, I don't even know what to do yet.
Had I chosen to go to USC, the prospects of graduating with a master's in OT in 5 years pretty much gives me a stronger chance at the job market. And the prospects of getting a job with a master's in OT is a lot higher than just a bachelor in psych.</p>

<p>My question is:
Should I try to transfer from UC Berkeley to USC and hope that I get in the program again, and because I've gotten into it once before, would that heighten my chances?</p>

<p>for reference:
USC</a> Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy: Bachelor?s to Master?s in Occupational Therapy</p>

<p>You might want to also post your thread on a more general forum (College Search & Selection or Parents) or Careers in Medicine (I’m not sure how much traffic that forum gets).</p>