UC Chance - how much does leadership count for?

<p>I graduated from high school in California in 2008 and since then have moved to Israel and enlisted in the army for 2 years in a high leadership position and have now returned to California in order to (hopefully) attend a UC.
I was wondering if that would increase of decrease my chances of admittance. </p>

<p>High school GPA is low - 3.74
Sat - 2010 (w=720, r= 540, m=750)
sat subject test in Hebrew - 780
Besides my 2 years in the army i was a counselor in the Israeli scouts for 2 years during high school leading a group of 20 kids each year, and took both Hebrew and Spanish classes throughout highschool. </p>

<p>I know my stats aren’t too high but I was wondering if maybe my “different” ECs would help. I believe my personal statements were pretty strong, I wrote them about my leadership position in the Israeli military.
I applied for bio major at UCSD, UCI, Davis, UCB, UCLA and UCSB.</p>

<p>Any advice, chances or just thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I know were all stressing over acceptances at this time. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Just in general if anyone even has any thoughts on how much the uc’s take leadership experience into consideration</p>

<p>Leadership may not be extremely large, but I know for a fact that they LOVE students who go into the armed forces.</p>

<p>Yeah? I wasn’t so sure since I was in the Israeli army not American… Hopefully though my enlistment will work to my benefit at at least some of the UCs… I’ll take what I can get :)</p>

<p>Your extensive life experiences will certainly outweigh your stats (which are decent in the first place). The leadership position is just a bonus. I’m just going to assume that these experiences will be the focus of your personal statements. IMO, you have a really high chance at all of the UC’s (except maybe the ones, if any, that are still on the funky point-based system for admission)</p>

<p>Thank you so much :slight_smile: you’ve calmed me… Well know pretty soon :)</p>

<p>Hmmm -UCB and Army experience? I’m not sure about that one. GL.</p>

<p>As strange as it may seem to many, Berkeley is not at all my top choice if I get into a few :slight_smile: not sure they’d like the experience</p>

<p>My son got into UCLA with no leadership ECs whatsoever.</p>

<p>However, that being said, I presume that your military service will catch the interest of admissions officers, as it makes you somewhat unique.</p>

<p>Rejected from Davis… Guess my stats are just too low… I guess that means all the others I applied to are out of the question… (Ucb, ucla, ucsd, ucsb, irvine)</p>

<p>What’s hurting your chances is your CR score. You may have a shot at UCSB. Good luck.</p>

<p>I really hope so :)</p>

<p>Hey, my friend was really bummed when he got rejected from UC Davis earlier in the month, but he just got his acceptance to UCB yesterday! Hope you got into your top school, whatever it was!</p>

<p>I only got accepted to ucsb… Love that school but still pretty bummed… Happy for your friend!! Thanks eveyone</p>