UC chances pleasee:[

<p>asian male(permanent residence) lived in california</p>

<p>UC GPA:3.55-6
SAT: 1st time 1600 2nd time 1650
SAT2s: Korean 800 Math2c 650</p>

Varisty tennis 10-12th grade
mentorin kids 9-12th 200+ hrs
helpin church community 200+ hrs</p>

<p>chance for UCSD, UCSB, UCD, UCI, UCSC, and UCR!</p>

<p>Took 3AP courses, 3 honors, and 3 community college courses durin 10-11th grade
SAT score1650: 430R 540W 690M
if this helps :[</p>

<p>first generation to college
low income</p>