UC Davis or UC Santa Cruz for Molecular Biology

Down to two schools to choose between. Davis is a bit better on paper (ranking etc) but wondering if will have better research access at Santa Cruz which has less Grad Students? Love the SC is closer to beach but like that Davis is more the college town experience.

UCSC - Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
UCDavis - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

End goal to go on to funded PhD program so need lots of research ops in undergrad, as well as relationships with professors and possibility to publish. Want to work in research & development.

UC Davis research: Get Started

UC Santa Cruz research: https://ugr.ue.ucsc.edu/

Getting to know the professors through their office hours is the best way to find out their research interests.

Both schools will offer Undergrad research opportunities but it is up to the student to reach out and find these opportunities.


Annie Duke, one of the highest winning pro poker players, wrote a book titled “How to Decide” as a follow-on to her book “Thinking in Bets”. In the former book there is one section that has stuck with me

You might get accepted to two colleges at the top of your list or find two amazing homes on your house hunt or get two different dream-job offers. Then you agonize over which option to choose, trying to distinguish the small differences between two or more great choices. You find yourself endlessly researching each option, coming up with additional criteria, asking for more and more people’s opinions, wavering back and forth trying to figure out which is the “right” choice.

So, here’s a weird little thought experiment: What if, instead of choosing between Paris and Rome, you were choosing between a vacation in Paris and a vacation at a trout cannery? Would you have trouble or experience any anxiety making that choice?

I’m assuming the answer is no.

When a decision is hard, that means it’s easy. The very thing that slows you down-having multiple options that are very close in quality is actually a signal that you can go fast, because this tells you that whichever option you choose, you can’t possibly be that wrong, since both options have similar upside and downside potential.


This will be possible at both places. Publishing is never a guarantee as an undergrad, anywhere, but she’d definitely be able to get research experience at either place. She will just need to be proactive in getting a position (at either place).

Funded PhD’s in these fields are not hard to get.

UCD will have lots of premeds, which she may or may not like. It can get annoying.

She should pick the school she likes better.

Davis is a great college town, easy to get to on Interstate 80, and close to a major airport. It is much easier and more affordable to find housing near UCD than UCSD which has a severe housing shortage. Also, Highway 17 to Santa Cruz is very dangerous.

Housing is a big issue at Santa Cruz.
My hairdresser’s daughter was accepted to UC Santa Cruz, and she has spoken to friends that are having a big issue with housing. So, before you make a decision make sure you ask about housing for all 4 years.

Daughter attended Davis for undergrad. They have a great pre-health advising system and they encourage collaborative work. Students are happy there; you can bike everywhere. They’re 40,000 bikes on campus.

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