UC deadline on Monday - anyone still working on their essays?

I’ve had my family and friends read my essays and I keep getting different advice. Consequently, I have a few different versions of my essays. Should I split them 500/500 or closer to 750/250? Help!

It’s due Monday.

Today is Sunday.

Apply right now. You can pretty much assume that something will go wrong if you wait much longer.

I’d try to make them fairly even. Don’t go more “extreme” than 650/350 either way for sure. I’d say 600/400 split (or closer, if possible) would be best.

You can split them any way you like

The workshops I’ve been to at my community college have said that it is acceptable to go slightly over the word limit. However, filling out the form, I get the idea that it will not accept my submission unless I actually truncate it to 1000.

Does anyone know if I can submit a slightly longer essay?

I do have a version I managed to butcher down to exactly 1000 words, but I think i ruined it in the process. I am a brief and concise writer, but there was quite a lot to say. It is literally impossible for me to meet the word requirement and still have a meaningful statement.

Can I submit an 1100-1200 word statement without it truncating or rejecting my work?

The site has given an error message in the past so I wouldn’t risk it: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/1034744-uc-essay-exceeding-the-word-limit.html

There’s a site called Ivy Achivement (http://www.ivyachievement.com) that says they will edit and proofread UC essays in 1-3 hours. Has anyone used them?

@largerodent If it would for some reason accept more than 1,000 words (which I’m almost positive it won’t allow), their first impression of you is that you’re unable to follow very simple and clear instructions.

I highly doubt that it’s literally impossible to find ways to shorten your essay.

You should use the best versions of the essays and not worry about the word split.

From: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/personal-statement/

Allocate the word count as you wish. If you choose to respond to one prompt at greater length, we suggest your shorter answer be no less than 250 words.