UC Essay

<p>Where do i talk about my EC’s? The 3rd open ended one? If your Ec’s are weak and uninteresting should you talk about something else?
Is this a good essay topic? Currently in my 3rd essay I talked about how I overcame my F in Spanish II honors at a competit. hs I moved to and how after immense effort brought it up to an A-. Basically I talked about how I suffered from moving around so much and how I was extremely determined to suceed no matter how difficult it was for me.
2nd Essay how I deliberately and unwisely switched to Ap Bio during the middle of the 1st semester and how I worked my butt off trying to catch up. Got an A for both semesters and passed the AP Test!!! Basically made the point that I am not only a determined and hard working individual but also heavily interested and passionate about the sciences.
1st Essay My Experience a COSMOS UCSD Bioengineering and how it influenced me in a profound and life altering way</p>

<p>Don't talk about how you overcame an F. The essay is where you want to show them who you are, not talk about academics. You emphasize the EC's in that part, as well as something that wouldn't show in your application, like your lifelong interest in LaCrosse and how being team captain made you aware of how to be a leader and how to succeed or some stuffs like that.</p>

<p>2nd essay is OK, although I think the prompt was "how will you contribute to the University"? Hard work is a good topic, but again you should iterate some point not readily apparent.</p>

<p>1st essay looks fine.</p>

<p>What is a good topic for this prompt;
Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality you will bring to the University of California.</p>

<p>Well my friend wrote about having a competitive nature. My other friend wrote about her artistic talents. I wrote about integrity oO;; Your topic isn't bad, it's just I really think that a lot of people are going to use the same one.</p>

<p>For the talent, experience one I wrote about the research trip I took to the Galapagos Islands last summer. Turned out to be a pretty damn good essay.</p>


<p>For the "talent, experience, or personal quality" essay, I wrote about a personal mission statement I had to write at a leadership camp. Instead of writing something inspirational like the camp wanted me to write, I came up with the mission statement of "Don't condense your life into a paragraph." I tied it into the personal quality of my own individuality, and how I disliked having to describe myself or explain my existence for fear of selling myself short.</p>

<p>I don't think I wrote what the UC's wanted me to write, but I was very proud of the essay that I wrote. My advice would be to write about something that actually matters to you -- even if it might seem trivial and stupid to someone else -- as opposed to tailoring it to the expectations that you think are there. It'll show in your writing if you're passionate about the subject. </p>

<p>I don't think anyone can give you a topic. You have to come up with something that you think works on your own. Most of all, don't contrive an essay or make something up. If it's real, it'll be recognizable. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>My son got into every UC he applied to (he is now a freshman at UCB)</p>

<p>1st prompt was on how he transferred to a rigorous public charter school
2nd prompt was about his involvement with music
3rd prompt was about his love of fly fishing (he was going to write about a C in Latin but I told him that he shouldn't "waste" an essay explaining that)</p>

<p>Hope that helps and good luck!</p>

<p>I hired a essay helper and I ended up writing about my Microsoft Internship and how that experience made me into a persevering and more knowledgeable individual. You want to talk about something that gives a window to admissions officer of who you are and what you can bring to the school. This is the UC's way of trying to accept an individual rather than a number and if your gunning for LA or Cal, you will have to do this</p>

<p>Where is a good spot (which essay?) to put your EC's and life circumstances?</p>

<p>I put it in the second essay. x)</p>

<p>Here was the central idea for all of my essays (and considering I got into UCSC with only a 3.1 gpa and mediocre SAT scores, I think it worked):</p>

<p>Talk about things that can't easily be proven wrong. Example: why you took a particularly difficult class; what effect that class had on you; what you learned from that experience.</p>