UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Do you know how many credits for one semester of a class.

We all still have a chance if we didn’t hear today. They are rolling and it appears only regents/honors heard today.

Did all the regents and hons came out for all today?

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no not everyone who got in today got regents/honors. but all the regents/honors came out today (at least historically that’s how it’s worked)

Can someone please help? Some are saying people who got in with honors might not be seeing that they got regents too? Was it a separate email? Is it on the portal?

I was definitely expecting Hons but i didn’t get email, doesnt that mean i don’t have any chance for Hons. I am freaking out

I don’t have a child applying this year but in the past there was a banner at the top right of the admissions portal saying “Campuswide Honors” and another saying “Regents” Some students had both banners and some only had the honors banner.

Don’t worry too much. These days, we unfortunately can’t expect anything even if you have excellent stats, ECs, and essays. Nothing is really known :frowning:

you still have a decent chance of getting in dw, but idk about honors. i think the honors/regents admissions are over today. don’t freak out-- remember these things are completely random. i had a friend w/ a 1590 sat last year who got regents at uci, ucla, but didn’t even get regular admission to Berkeley.

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Same here : ( When Berkeley early acceptances came out - i figured oh well - that was a long shot. When UCSB came out - hmmmm I thought she had a good shot but with Irvine I was really thinking it was likely and nothing. UC GPA - 4.0 uw, 4.33 capped, 4.42 weighted. OOS - Business school. Did anyone get into the bus school and would people who got accepted mind sharing their stats, major and in-state vs oos? Thanks! And huge congratulations to all who were accepted tonight!!! Great job!!!

Did any OOS students here get accepted to the honors college or with regents?

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Did anyone get Regents or Honors without completing the scholarship application?

Yes, many did

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Did anybody get just Hons, no regent?

I did!!! (as did by close friend)

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honors is for people with higher stats right, where most get accepted there with higher stats ?


I think I figured it out:

1-Scholarship link is at bottom of acceptance letter . Some people are not seeing this that got Regents.

2-Most blogging now are honors/regents recipients; fewer honors only replying right now

3-This is the cause of the confusion; there are some honors only acceptances out today.

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and more info, when u click view updates:
1-Honors only - one letter only it defaults to
2-Honors/Regents- 2 letter links to choose from. one is same as honors admission. other one called scholarship. I assume scholarships tab on applicant status portal also reflects Regents’?

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yeah I didn’t get scholarship