UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Usually, when you click on withdraw it they will have some options and usually will ask you why you want to withdraw.

strange, i still have the option to withdraw and it asks for the reason when i click on it. maybe a decision has been made on yours but not everyone’s yet

Yeah I still have the same thing. It asks for a reason.

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Now they are gonna see thousands clicks on “withdraw”. LOL


Lol the question is why don’t they just release it


Same thing for me… not sure why there is no status update on the portal

Don’t withdraw on accident!


I guess they want to release the decision for everyone on the same date so they keep the decision unreleased.

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But if they know, can’t they just take people out of their misery? Things are hard enough!

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They probably need to make the site better so that we can’t find any bugs.

My son got the acceptance to CS last Friday and selected for UCI’s campuswide honors (CHC). We are OOS, still deciding between Penn State and UCI. Any inputs from students or parents on their experiences with UCI?.


wonder why some are getting different messages…

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I also have this… should I be worried?

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No brainer. Go to UCI. It’s a better location for what he wants to do and enables him to get great summer internships.


:man_shrugging: doubt it. your update is probably just sitting waiting right now. nothing really to worry about I’d say.

what does yours say?

Well, it makes everyone else more miserable, though.

what does?

Telling individuals their decisions, versus telling everyone at once.

oh yes, I agree.