UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It seems like they are sending few decisions now. It is taking them a while for some reason.

@Gumbymom Historically has UCI sent out acceptances in waves throughout the month? Do they normally send out acceptances , waitlist and rejections all on the same day?

Congratulations! My daughter too! :slight_smile: Yay!!!

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They used to send the decisions by the majors. I’m not quite familiar with this process.

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And I definitely do not agree with this process continuing in the future. I see this type of process to be a bit disrespectful for some students.


rejected just now !

What majors are being accepted, waitlisted and rejected right now?

I agree. Not sure why some schools are able to send out at once and others do waves? It is agonizing for these students.


Just got rejected :frowning:

It seems like this year is not by major decisions. It is based on acceptance/waitlist/rejection decisions.

Is the portal down because I’m not able to access it!

Waitlisted. Kind of surprised because I got into UC Berkeley as a regents finalist. Worried over chances at UCLA…


So if you haven’t got accepted by now expect a rejection?

Historically, UCI would do rolling acceptances for a few days, then waitlists and finally rejections. As I have said on other discussion threads, the majority of the UC’s no longer stick to a specific timeline for their decisions so anything goes. I have given up trying to figure out their decision timelines especially UCI.

UCI when my older son applied 7 years would post decisons throughout the month of March and update the student portals before 9 am so you would have check every morning.

If they are sending rejections already, then I would say the majority of acceptances have posted and more acceptances may trickle in over the next week.

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Accepted for CSE!!!

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just now

I got an update at 5:30 am IST. So that’s like 3 hours ago

Rejected. Ah well waiting on Davis and SB but I don’t have much hope. SLO here I come!

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Was your acceptance just now or were you notified earlier today?

I received an email 3 hours ago but I just woke up so I checked right now