UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

never mind ingore this LOL


Which thread is this? I’m looking at the “UC Irvine RD Megathread” and haven’t seen anyone say they were actually accepted.


omg false alarm i would totally delete that post but theres not delete button on here dont hate me yall sorry LOL, ill just edit it to say ingore this

Any idea on when early CHP decisions come out? Don’t they normally come out mid to late February?

Some of the other schools’ threads are nice because there will be at least one person that has an “insider connection” to someone on the admissions staff, and so their comments about upcoming notification release dates are accurate.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anyone on this thread that has an inside connection, so any response that you get will be mere speculation.

Look at the following link: https://www.admissions.uci.edu/

it says that Freshman Applicants will be notified starting Monday March 1. So you can assume that CHP and Regents will be notified starting next week. That’s less than 2 business days from now.

It’s a bit later than last 2 years - but given the extra 10,000+ fresh applicants and Covid, it’s understandable.


UC IRVINE HAS A SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION IN THE PORTAL. Many don’t know about this and miss the deadline, which is February 28th! Even if you don’t qualify for need-based aid, it is worth applying for a chance at their other scholarships. Go to your portal, then the “SCHOLARSHIPS” tab.
Many of you have a shot at these, so don’t forget to submit your application! There are also supplements (depending on the scholarships you qualify/apply for), so take time this weekend to look into them.
Good luck to you all!


Do you apply even if you have no acceptance notification?


is submitting FAFSA required to be eligible for merit scholarships at UCI?

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I believe so and the deadline is the 28th.

I think I saw that for them to even review your additional materials, you must have submitted the FAFSA. Regardless of merit or need-based.



I didn’t know that filing the FAFSA was required for merit scholarships. I just filed and submitted mine today. Do you think it will be processed in time for scholarship consideration?

FAFSA seems not required for merit scholarships, see question:
Can I still apply for scholarships if I don’t submit a FAFSA or DREAM Act application?

Yes, you would not qualify for need-based scholarships, but you may still apply for merit-based scholarships.


hey guys !! i’m new to this site & find it very interesting . i’m so nervous for uc decisions to come out , anxious as ever !!

i truly wish everyone the best of luck . my mom reminds me “God will open the right doors that you are meant to go through & He will close the doors you are not !” even if you aren’t religious , please know that everything happens for a reason <3 i truly believe every single one of y’all will be so successful , whether getting into uci / any other uc or not. also , remember that uc’s are like a lottery / raffle . this is because the amount of people who apply each year , they can’t let everyone in unfortunately:( even people with the highest of GPA’s and grades don’t get in , don’t let the decision define you !!! i promise everything will work out !! trust me i’m as nervous as you all are , if not more !!

just make sure you are putting in the work and doing the best you can at everything you do <3

i’m excited to see everyone’s results soon ! best of luck to everyone :slight_smile:


Got 2-3 reminders for the merit forms due tmrw.

If you choose not to apply for the merit and don’t complete the 11 essays, will it impact your admissions?

The Scholarships Committee is separate from Admissions. They don’t even get your UC application. It’ll likely just be marked as incomplete.