UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Do you mean if within the department? I don’t know for sure, but everything I’ve seen suggests that changing majors if you’re already admitted into that department shouldn’t be difficult. Otherwise, good advice below for getting 100% confirmation on that!

Did you visit UCI this weekend? :slight_smile:

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yes i’m aware, i got the directors scholarship which is why i’m considering the school and financial aid letters, i’ve already given up my spot at the other uc’s i’ve gotten into

Congratulations on the scholarship. Best of luck.

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@SoCalKel Yes!! Long drive and quick RT, but we got to see UCI and UCSD. UCSD was always the favorite the last 4 years but pending unexpected results 4/6, S21 is going to forsake all others and commit to UCI. I was pleasantly surprised how great the campus looked. I mean, WTH were we looking at when we drove thru two years ago?! I think we saw the UCI sign and thought we were there when, in fact, never went into the ring. Doht. We even went to UTC and had drinks at Snow Monsters but never realized the pedestrian bridge was there. Argh. So thankful for this chance.

I think S21 is just deciding between UCSD (the Sixth College he was assigned to was insanely wonderful and the campus is amazing, too) and UCI so he’s got 4-year plan spreadsheets and seeing which one has the fewest GEs required based on APs. It’s that granular now since he’s having such a hard time deciding.


That’s encouraging to hear re; UCI!! S21 is about 95% sure he will commit to UCI (hard to turn away from UCSB’s campus but alas, they don’t have the right mix of classes and the major he is most interested in - he was accepted for Business at UCI and there are a lot of great options for him to specialize in as he takes courses there to find his niche).

We are headed to UCI this Thursday. Was there anything in particular that wowed you that we should make sure to check out on the campus? We did do a tour in 11/19 but it was so rainy that I don’t think we fully appreciated it (two days prior we were at UCSB in the sunshine… gorgeous of course).
He has a number of good friends that were also accepted to UCI that plan to commit so that wooed him a bit as well. It’s also nice that getting to/from there is so easy (we live in Sacramento area…easy flight to OC airport).
Good luck to your son on his decision!

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@Ozzie19 We live in Sac, too! Easy flight to John Wayne Airport and the kids can take a quick (inexpensive) Lyft/uber to the airport to go home. SWest airlines is affordable if you plan flights early with break schedules.

  1. Park across student center. There’s a garage there. Google UCI Student Center. Parking is free. They have EV charging there, too. If you have a tesla, tons of supercharger in Irvine.
  2. From there we got out of the parking lot and turned left towards Middle Earth. There’s and opening facing the beautiful campus. Go up the stairs and go around the ring. My son and his friends went to their dept buildings.
  3. We were not 100% efficient and did a ton of walking. :). You could pause from the ring in the beginning and walk to Middle Earth housing. When you get close to Mesa Court, veer out of the circle and go check out Mesa Court.
  4. When you are back to the student center, behind the parking area, go across the pedestrian bridge and head to the University Town Center and grab lunch there.

Also, within the ring, can you check out the engineering wing and look at the outdoor lounge sofas and couches and tell me if it’s Real Life?!?

We’ve been to the area before so familiar with the food scene. I’m not 100% sure how the kids would get to other food places to hang out since UTC isn’t that big and they’ll get bored after 100 days.

We usually stay at the Springhill Suites off Fitch. It’s 7 min driving to campus and they have breakfast to-go. In normal times, hot buffet breakfast.


It sounds like UCI is the best fit for your son. Southwest flies into Santa Barbara (SBA) but it is probably easier to get to John Wayne.

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@Jas182736 @SoCalKel When we were there at UCI this weekend by the Anteatery, there was a sign to tell freshmen that they could pick up their free UCI sweatshirt at a specific time, date, etc. FYI.


Get a Southwest credit card for free flights!

Yes!! My husband has a companion pass status coming next month once our spending hits and we should have it thru Feb 2022. I’m waiting til Oct to get my SW cards so then I can get companion 2022 thru 2023. We did this the last time but I’ve held out due to COVID and no travel.

SW credit cards are the best if you live within a SW hub since Irvine is an ideal SW destination location. You can also fly into Long Beach if you’re desperate.

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we basically put all our spending on our SW Visa and get gobs of flights thanks to that! It’s such a great card to have!

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That’s awesome! I usually cancel after I get my perks and then I wait two years and then reapply. :slight_smile:

My husband does that with other cards (for free hotels and some mileage stuff) lol!


Same. But I keep a few. We have been many places with free airfare and hotel.

I get one for my husband and my self if there is a good bonus offer. It is a great hobby. (Opps, off topic.)

Chiming in because we do this too with SW and other airlines - Delta right now is offering like 80K FF points with their card - never before seen, I guess. (sorry gumbymom for digressing!)


Two words. Aldrich Park.

When I stepped on campus 35 years ago as a transfer student, I took one look at Aldrich Park and never looked back.


That’s great to hear! I’m glad it was a successful trip. I don’t know much about UCSD, but do know the general area around there. If the neighboring areas mean much, I’d say there is more to do and more that’s easy to get to from Irvine vs San Diego. Both are surrounded by upscale areas, but I think La Jolla right next to UCSD is even more exclusive/expensive than UCI which has LOTS of apartments and nearby Costa Mesa/Santa Ana.

Also: Regarding getting bored of food at UTC, don’t forget that if they dorm, they will also have the food court options for either Mesa or ME. (And will probably get bored of that too!)

Anyway, good luck to your son!

We’ll be there Thursday afternoon for the sweatshirt. 1st time daughter’s set foot on campus as an enrolled student. Will also look at the ACC housing apartments where she’ll (hopefully) live this fall.

I am just curious on any OOS decisions to attend? My S21 really wants to go to CA and right now waitlisted at UCLA - I recognize there is a high cost to attend OOS but we are fortunate that we can afford him going, my concern is whether it is worth the distance when so few OOS go and will it feel like a true college experience with geographic diversity? Any thoughts or others OOS considering the same or have made a decision to attend? I have heard that it may feel more like a commuter experience. I don’t know if that is dated information. Any thoughts would be helpful as he does not want to rule it out but we may prefer him focus on his acceptances in Florida (UM, UF)…he is from NJ.