UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@Gumbymom Thank you!

Still trying to get a sense of anyone OOS planning to enroll?

My daughter is OOS (Northeast), accepted to business. Travelling to the west coast next week to look at schools and decide. Accepted to UW Seattle (direct admit to business), Santa Clara, UCSB, USC, UC Irvine, U of San Diego and waitlisted at UCLA. Also accepted to a bunch on the east coast - leading contenders - Northeastern, BC and UDel (full tuition scholarship).

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I’m very interested in your thoughts on Irvine…my son also waitlisted at UCLA but rejected at USC…he is right now deciding between UCI and U of Miami…we’re also from northeast.

I think right now she’s gravitating toward UW, UCSB or USC on the west coast but she still wants to look at Irvine and I think things will crystallize more for her after she sees them all. I can say that I haven’t read a bad thing about Irvine and have heard so many positives - I think it’s a great option!

Has anyone gotten off the waitlist yet? My son just committed to UCSD but his heart is set on UCI.

My son was 100% UCSD if he had his choices of UCs. This has been a thing for him since freshman year. Then we went for a true campus tour at UCI and UCSD a few weeks ago. He came home very conflicted and ultimately chose UCI among the UCs. Something about the cohesiveness of the manageable campus that also gives them access to the outside world via the UTC that is intriguing.

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We are excited to announce that @lkg4answers will be taking on a new role as Co-Forum Champion for the University of California Forums. @lkg4answers and @Gumbymom will be responsible for monitoring the UC discussion threads and offering great advice about any questions our CC posters may have in regards to the UC campuses. @Ohm888 will continue to head the UC transfer forums.

Along with @10s4life, the UCLA Forum Champion, @lkg4answers, @Gumbymom, and @Ohm888 are excited to share their knowledge about the admissions and financial aid processes with the College Confidential Community.

@lkg4answers is a long time member of the CC community and a proud parent of a recent UC Davis graduate and has another student currently attending USC so please give them a warm CC hello as they take on this new role.


You guys are the best.

Wow. Didn’t know that was possible either.

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Someone on the uci 2025 discord got off of waitlist today apparently. Their major was engineering. I don’t have the details as i do not know them

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I also got off the waitlist. also engineering major


Thanks for the info. :crossed_fingers:

This is what my son is thinking. He has accepted UCSD but is hoping for UCI.

Good luck! I heard some WL movements at the UCs and saw that Berkeley extended its WL acceptance date so hopefully that is good news for all the UC WL kiddos!

Can we have a tour right now? Also, how good is Education majo@ UCI? Where can I have housing information?

I believe tours are virtual and can be found on the UCI website. You can visit the campus and walk around on your own. It’s lovely!

I do not know anything about the Education dept but I’m sure someone one on CC can offer info and you can look on the website or talk to someone in the dept.

Here is the link to housing info on the website. https://housing.uci.edu/

Good luck!

My son (from WA state) is enrolling. He visited last week and that sealed it. He loved the campus.

Hi @Gumbymom – sorry for the callback to a post from so long ago, but I got confused in reading this article in the LA times about why admissions was so competitive for some kids applying to the UCs. There is a lengthy section in the article quoting an official from UCI talking about how a major like biological sciences was super competitive and they could only accept maybe 10% of those applying, but I thought that outside of CS/Engineering majors, the UCs admit only to the college in general and not by major. Does UCI do something different than other UCs? From everything we have always been told, a kid applying Undeclared wouldn’t have an advantage over a kid applying to Psychology vs a kid applying to English because at the end of the day they are all being admitted to Letters & Sciences (or whatever it’s called at each school). This article is making it sound like it DOES matter what major you apply for at UCs. I had thought that was really only an issue for CSUs and for CS/Engineering at UCs. What am I missing? UC explains admissions decisions in a record application year of much heartbreak, some joy

UCI admits into the University first and then into the major. So first you have to meet a threshold for the University itself, then for your 1st or alternate major. So it is possible for the following:

  1. Admitted into the Unviersity and 1st choice major
  2. Admitted into the University and alternate major
  3. Admitted into the University as Undeclared
  4. Waitlisted
  5. Denied

For most UC’s, majors in the College of L&S do not admit by major but UCI does admit by major.
Biological Sciences is in a separate college and all Biological Science majors are admitted into the College and will all take a set course of study before they can specialize in their area of interest.