UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

I took the data link of acceptances by major that UCI provides and did some analysis. First, I took a 3 year view 2020, 2021, 2022 by summing applications and acceptances by major over those three years. Then I compared the trailing 3 year by major acceptance rate to the overall trailing 3 year acceptance rate of 26.4% to calculate a relative admit % (basically how advantaged or disadvantaged is that major vs ,the overall acceptance rate).

Some pretty interesting data and a few image pastes below

-Top 10 most popular majors by applications are
Biological Sciences
Business Admin
Comp Sci
Nursing Science
Mech Eng
Poli Sci

Of those, Business Admin, Comp Sci, Nursing, Psychology, Criminology and Mech Eng have a relative admit disadvantage. It’s really bad for Nursing (only 1.5% admit rate or 95% lower than the admit rate of the whole school) and very bad for business admin and Comp Sci (both admit rates less than half of the overall school)

The top 10 relative advantage admit majors (relative easiest admits) are:
Materials Sci
Earth System Sci
Chem E
Comp Lit
Global Cultures
Global Middle East Studies
Applied Physics
German Studies
These top 10 make up 2.8% of applications

The Bottom 10 (most disadvantaged majors / toughest to get into at UCI)
Nursing Science
Game Design
Comp Sci
Business Admin
Business Info Mgmt
Biology Education
Data Science
Software Eng
Mech E
These bottom 10 make up 26.5% of total applications

Of course we cant pick what our kids love, but it’s important to go in eyes wide open when applying to a major like business or nursing at UCI and if there are nearby alternative majors that are adjacent and higher admit, maybe pick those to apply into

Also, caveats apply - institutional priorities, funding etc change so what was true last 3 years may not be true for this year

My view is anything 90% to 110% is neutral in terms of relative advantage and thankfully my history major kid is in there. Let’s see what happens in March.

Finally OOS has been about a 2x advantage at UCI durably (except 2021 where it was a 3+x advantage). With new UC initiatives to favor in state, that might change and go lower than 2x…but I’m guessing OOS will remain an advantage at UCI this year and roughly, I would think that would apply against all majors.

If there is interest, I can post this to google drive.


My only comment is in regards to International/OOS admit rates. Yes, being International/OOS is an advantage for admission but this is mainly due to a low yield rate for these type of applicants and can be associated with higher cost of attendance. Most UC campuses have a higher admit rate for these group of applicants with the exception of UCLA and UCB which have more of recognized global presence than some of the other campuses.


Even though these majors admit a higher percentage of applicants, they are not necessarily easier admits. The percentage of applicants accepted doesn’t tell you the strength of the applicant pool. Majors like MSE and Chem E are very challenging majors, and I would expect more self selection in the applicant pool, compared to something like CS where there are massive numbers of applicants attracted by high salaries and the popularity of this major in general.

I will try to find the UC Berkeley report that showed MSE to be one of the most challenging admits in Engineering (it was from several years ago, but demonstrates the strength of the applicant pool)…


Excellent point and a very worthy caveat.

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OK here is the Hout report from 2005: https://academic-senate.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/hout_report_2005.pdf
Go to Table 8 on page 32 to see how MSE was one of the most challenging admits that year, only admitting applicants with a read score of 2.5 or better.

Caveats: 2005 was a long time ago, and this is for UCB rather than UCI. But my point is that it’s not about the percentage of applicants accepted, it’s all about the strength of the applicant pool, especially in a smaller program like MSE.


are you guys able to register for the Celebrate UCI 2023 event

I only see the 2022 event registration, I don’t think they opened it for this year.

I’m able to register for Celebrate UCI 2023 after first logging into portal and then opening another tab to go to events registration. I don’t want to speculate or assume anything just yet though.


Is this event for admitted students only? Or can applicants register? If the latter, this would explain ability to register

Your right! Logged into portal and could register.

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But I’m wondering if all applicants can register or if someone is unable to?

Good question. Need a few more people to try and register.

i heard last year everyone could register- and some people who who did were waitlisted/rejected later.

It should be an event for admitted students only because it is a reception for admitted students. But I also don’t want to assume anything because like janians said, students last year were able to register yet got rejected.

I’m no expert but @Gumbymom has been on these forums for years. She would know if there was any correlation between welcome event registrations and acceptances.

All the UCI portal astrology theories have not been proven over the last few years. UCI’s portal has been always glitchy. If posters want to continue the Portal astrology discussion, I suggest you start a separate discussion thread on the subject.


@sternmd UCI is the top of my S24’s list, so I would appreciate if you could post your analysis to Google Drive. Thanks for the analysis!

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Amen to that. All I can say is sit back and relax. The die is cast and there is little that can be done now. UCI will post when it decides to post. Some years, they reach out to a few kids in February - to get ahead of other schools. But you are guaranteed to hear by end of March.

My D is 2.5 years in. It’s been a great experience for her academically, developmentally and socially. UCI took care of her from a merit aid perspective and she did the rest.


Everytime I enter my password and ID it keeps saying “The resource you requested requires you to re-authenticate. Or, you may login as another user.”.
Does anyone else have this issue?
Is there a reason why it keeps saying this?


Same with my son’s portal too. You can try sign in with incognito mode. It worked for him.