UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

Happy to hear that. Congratulations!

Any idea on CHP admits?

What was your accepted major at UCSD? and for UCI?

what does acceptance to a “major that you applied for”/undeclared to UCI mean?

Not accepted bio

3.85/4.15 GPA 7 AP

Not accepted at UCLA and UCSD as well but in at UCR and UCSC


Was your student accepted into biochem or as undeclared?

When will the waitlist be announced from UCI

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Please visit this thread for more information about the waitlist. @Gumbymom has done a great job compiling data and dates from previous years.

Thanks so much for the information!! Appreciate it :pray:t2::pray:t2:

Daughter Accepted - Major - International studies
In State
UWGPA - 3.96
UC GPA 4.3
WGPA - 4.75
9 AP
Accepted - UCI, UCSD, UCD, UCSC, UCR, Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, USD, Santa Clara
Rejected - UCLA


Waitlisted for math/music
4.0UW, 11APs, 3 CE, school doesn’t rank but in top 9%, in-state
AIME + strong music ECs/awards
Pretty disappointed, does anyone have any insight?

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My twin boys BOTH got accepted we are all very excited


My twins got accepted. Daughter ( Software Engineering) UC GPA 4.21 Weighted GPA 4.54

Son (Data Science),UC GPA 4.26,Weighted GPA 4.57.


Congrats! Did they take a lot of APs? Just wondering for my kid applying next year. Everyone has such strong stats!

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Yes.My son: In state, 8 APs ( Ap Calculaus AB (5),Ap Biology (5),Ap Computer Science (5),AP US History (5),Ap English Language and Composition (5)-,Ap Statistics,Ap Physics C and Ap English Literature in senior year
National Merit finalist.
STEM ECs and many placements in competitions

My daughter: 9 APS (AP Computer Science (5),Ap English Language and Composition(5),AP Biology(4),AP US History(4),Ap Euro Science(2),AP Art History in summer.
AP Calculus AB,AP English Literature,AP 2D Art in senior year.Strong Ecs and Leadership roles and founder of two clubs and multiple awards related to her major and lots of ECs and placements in competitions.

DS 23 was accepted!! Either Materials Engineering or Data Science (L&S) major
(not sure which, because he hasn’t logged in to check :roll_eyes:)

UW GPA: 4.0
Capped GPA: 4.32
Full weighted GPA: 4.48

4 APs (his school didn’t offer many) - scored 5s on three of them, 3 on one

ELC (top 9%): N/A (was out of state for 9-11 grade)

Awards: Davidson Young Scholar, NMS Commended Scholar
ECs: Guitar (performs professionally, rock/ alternative); Non profit focused on learning disabilities

Other: Has several learning disabilities and ADHD

Accepted to:
UC Davis, UCSD, UIUC, Virginia Tech - all materials engineering or nano engg.
CPP, SJSU - computer science

Denied at:
UT Austin, Purdue

Waitlisted: Stevens Inst. of Technology


Thank you. Super impressive. Congrats! I better start looking outside CA for my kid. :joy:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I hope it’s ok to ask this question here, but please move it if not.

If UCD is collaborative, what is UCI like? And does the dept matter in terms of the class size and access to professors? They have several colleges unlike the usual big ones like L and S or engineering. So it would seem that the number of students would be divided up among so many depts. Just trying to get a sense of what to expect.


The colleges at UCI are not residential colleges (like UCSD or UCSC). They are a means for dividing up academic majors.

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