UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

For questions regarding Irvine’s social climate, that might be better directed at the subreddit or a Discord server where there are active, current UCI students.

I’d say that Irvine is just a tad bit more officially departmentalized than other UCs. In some places, humanities/life sciences/arts/some technology majors may be within one huge “Letters and Science” college. In Irvine’s case, Biological Sciences, Humanities, Information/Computer Sciences, etc are in seperate colleges. However, that does not say much about the academic experience, as professors will still stick with their specific departments and specializations within the colleges anyways, just like they generally do in other UCs. By each individual course, the experience regarding class size and access to professors will most likely not be too different from other UCs.

Again, it definitely won’t hurt to make a post on other forums where Irvine students can answer your questions. It also varies much by major (professors for biology may focus more on research and less on undergraduate teaching for instance)

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There are also a couple of UCI parent FB groups (run by parents, not the school and not by Humans of University). The question about whether UCI is quiet on the weekends is asked in those groups every year.

Facebook Group 1
Facebook Group 2


Looks like S23 is in same boat

Accepted at UCI (Biomedical Engineering)
Waitlisted at UCSD
Rejected at UCLA

3.93 UC Unweighted
4.22 UC Capped
4.37 UC Uncapped

Also accepted: CaseWestern, UW Seattle, UIUC (BioChem), UMDCP, PennState (BioChem), UCSC, UCR

Deferred: UW Madison (BioChem)


Its baffling, isn’t it? My son has similar stats (4.0 / 4.4 or .6 I don’t remember), pending Eagle scout, ongoing work since 10th grade, and was waitlisted to UCI and rejected UCLA and UCSD (my alma mater and daughter is there). It was a rough day. I’m baffled and a little sad I was so strict on the grades. It doesn’t seem to have mattered.

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Sorry to hear. I’m a huge BSA fan; all 3 of my boys were Boy Scouts but none made Eagle (but they helped their friends make Eagle :slight_smile: )
What are/were his top college choices? Was UCI one of them?


Where did you see that? Do you happen to have a link? Thank you!

My Twins got accepted as well. Psychology and Econ.


Might anyone have any percentage data for freshman admits by major?

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That data gets posted for 2023 usually late 2023 or early 2024. 2022 data is available here. .



My OOS son was accepted (English major). Rejected at UCLA and UCSD. He has a 3.9 UW GPA, one sport varsity athlete, president of a club and works a part-time job as a server at a family restaurant. I thought he had good essays, but who knows. It is such a craps shoot these days, and admission decisions (at least to me) seem awfully random. He was a little disappointed he didn’t get into UCLA, but he also was realistic about his chances. If it happened, we would have celebrated. It didn’t, and he recognizes that he’s in the same boat as 93% of the other applicants.


Did anyone get into CHP? I haven’t heard from anyone who did. Thanks!

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Yes, several posters on this discussion thread have stated they were invited to CHP. You need to scroll through this discussion thread but there are admits for CHP.

They changed the name from Campuswide Honors Program (CHP) to Campuswide Honors Collegium (CHC) a few years ago. You might search this thread for CHC instead of CHP.

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Here is a post for accepted Honors Collegium student:

Hi, how many students get selected for Regent scholarships?

Did anyone get accepted for School of Nursing? Didn’t recall seeing anything on Friday…

Usually there are 50-100 Regent scholars which includes Freshman and Transfers.

I only saw 1 denial and 1 waitlist posted on this site for Nursing

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We’re waitlisted in Nursing. Hoping for the best.

One son accepted - Chemical Engineering (3.9/4.3), other son waitlisted - Drama (3.9/3.9).

First son had strong leadership ECs including CA Boys State (summer), Mock Trial, multiple sports, peer tutoring, church and community volunteer work.

Second son had very strong performance experience, also extensive volunteer work.