UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

oh wow! that’s very little! My daughter received from Davis and San Diego , i didn’t know it was so selective! Very proud

how long has these honor programs been around? Are they new to the UC systems?

Most, if not all, of the UCs have honors programs. Google says UCI’s honors program started in 1986.

how many students are in the Campuswide honors program?

do you know what UCSD’s honors program is called?

Each UCSD Residential College has their own Honors program.

@Gumbymom @lkg4answers
UCI seems to have a lot of Schools/Colleges more than other UCs.
Is it possible to do a minor in another School with your admitted major?

Ex: BME major in School of Engg, BioSciences minor in School of BiologicalSciences or Bioinformatics minor in School Information & CS?

how many students are in the Campuswide honors program at UCI?

I do not have exact numbers but in total I have seen 800-1000 including Transfers.

She is accepted into biological science. They don’t consider direct admission to biochem. After 2 years, students have to apply into biochem


in state (non local) top 9% ELC, waitlisted for mathematics major :-[ committed to cal poly SLO but reeeeaaalllyyyy hoping i get off the waitlist since UCI was my top choice. also accepted to CSULB, UCSC, & Sac State. Rejected from UCLA

Same for my daughter.

Daughter got accepted for Cognitive Science so we are very happy
OOS from Arizona, UW GPA 3.9, Weighted GPA 4.75
All Star Cheer and Varsity Volleyball and leadership positions at school
Also accepted at UCSD, UCDavis, UCSC, UCRiverside and waitlisted at UCLA (which was her dream school. Has several CSU’s, USF, Santa Clara and Pepperdine acceptances too.


Accepted for CS, Got Director’s scholarship.


Decision: Waitlisted
Major applied to: Computer Science
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.25
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.63

ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
13 AP Courses (8 in 10-11)

Laptop/PC Resale Business
Wrote a mobile app for school
ASB Senior Class Vice President
App Development Internship
Robotics Co-Captain
President of Computer Science Club
President/Founder of Photography Club
Led initiative that teaches CS principles to elementary school students
Designed Java curriculum for non-profit
Varsity Sport
Co-Founder/Vice President of Technology Club

Job/Work Experience: CS Instructor, CS App Development Internship
Volunteer/Community service: 200+ hrs

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? no
First Generation? no

Accepted: UCR (Chancellor’s Scholarship)
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCLA

Sorry for the delayed posting. It was a busy weekend, kicked off by that flurry of Friday night decisions.

Decision: Accepted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): unlikely
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Anthropology


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.96
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.28
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.32

ELC (top 9% CA HS): Definitely statewide top 9% designation, really confused about schoolwide

Comments about course load (including senior year): Pretty rigorous but not top, top rigor (APs + one DE class); progressively more rigor from 10th-12th (4 of 6 weighted courses Senior Year); school doesn’t offer many Honors courses, just AP and IB
Number of a-g courses: 25?
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 9-ish?
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): AP Chem (didn’t report score lol – COVID year and she got a 2); AP Lang (5); APUSH (5); AP Bio (4); taking 4 APs now (Lit, Econ, American Gov, Environmental Science)
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): n/a she’s not in IB (though she’s taking IB Studio Art anyway)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none

Extracurriculars: Pretty strong (sustained activity for 10+ years, choral singing at a very high/quasi professional level; plus related leadership and mentoring around same); 4 years of a club sport at school
Job/Work Experience: Summer jobs (camp counselor etc.), school year job few hours/per week related to ECs
Volunteer/Community service: Mainly one sustained activity over the course of about 2 years – 200+ hours for sure, maybe more – kind of a non-traditional activity that I think sets her apart
Summer Activities: See above + many activities related to EC

Personal Insight essays (details): Strong. Definitely 3 of the 4 strong, at least – responses cohesive with the EC list

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state, large public HS in the Bay Area
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes but won’t get it
First Generation? No


Strengths: Cohesiveness of her story, devotion to, development within a particular EC over many, many years (showing leadership, growth, commitment to community, etc.)

Weaknesses: A few courses short of where she could have been in terms of honors/ED (school doesn’t have many honors, but also she didn’t work too hard to add extra courses outside of HS)

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied:
ACCEPTED: UCSD, UC Davis, UCSC, Cal Poly SLO, Lewis & Clark w/merit and music scholarship $, U of Puget Sound w/merit $, Oberlin w/merit $, Occidental w/music scholarship $, Scripps, CSULB, SDSU, U of Oregon w/OOS merit $


Anyone from Seattle area here ?

yes - son accepted to UCI CS

DMed you.

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