UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m contemplating asking. We miss being able to do the local events for both Irvine and UCSD this weekend because daughter didn’t jump fast enough. One is being held 10 minutes from our house :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. An early intro to what UCs are like! Gotta be ON it. Her brother should have warned her. :tired_face:

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Did the school send an email? We’re scrolling through but didn’t see anything. We have scheduled to attend Bay Area’s RPI and UCM. I think I saw UCR’s email about the Milpitas event. Probably too late to sign up as it’s been a few hours.

She was invited to an event in San Jose for April 2nd I think? Email came this past weekend. I tried to make her sign up as she walked in the door from prom at 2am :joy: — but full.

You know you can’t do that to a kid at 2 am after prom!! How fun! Didn’t realize it’s already that time of the year. We were asked by the school to give the height of the senior for graduation gown. I wanted to cry when I saw that email.

I know! Our prom was SO early. But honestly I’m glad it’s done because there is so much to get through between now and May 1. We have up to a dozen schools to see. Good problem to have, but she is clueless how to start. Couldn’t even get an official tour for Irvine next week but the guy who answered in admissions says that you can show up before the tour and get on a waitlist. So we will do that.

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If it is just 10 minutes from your house, I think I would just show up and see if they will let you in. The worst they could say is, “no.”

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where is the local event for Irvine this weekend? We didn’t get any info.

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Maybe the email was intended for Bay Area residents and there are other ones scheduled for other areas? The one goldrush2 is referring to is the one in San Jose with 2 different slots, 1-2 and then 2-3, so very quick presentations. The email was from last week, finally found it. I’m not sure how much you can glean from an hour presentation.

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Yes, that’s the thing we got info on. I liked the idea of her going since we can’t get to the Admitted Students day on 4/22. So it would nice to talk to actual people from UCI and meet some other students who got in.

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We might just do that. It’s the one for UCSD that’s right here in Berkeley. Worth a try!

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Yes, she’s glad she chose UCI, both for the campus itself and for some specific opportunities she’s had in her major/research. She did miss out on Freshman year due to Covid, but has found friends and definitely feels adequately social. :slight_smile:


It worked for us. We did the show up and get on wait list last week because they had no openings to book but we flew in from Phoenix and were trying to tour UCI during spring break. Timing wise although it worked out I was nervous about touring it a day before decisions were coming out lol

@GoldRush2 We also had trouble finding people to talk to who go there when my student was deciding. Mine likes it a lot. Like most large schools, there is plenty of things to do, but one has to reach out.

It looks like they are changing the name of UTC (University Town Center) to University Center. It’s right across the street. University Center

Funny, I noticed the same thing. It looks like they might have changed the name in 2020. I think everyone still refers to it as UTC.


DD didn’t sign up in time for the event in Sacramento on April 1. She emailed admissions yesterday asking if she could still register and they let her.


They created the event here in Sacramento, right when we will be traveling to Irvine to visit in person. Good luck with the event! There are no guided tours available next week, so we are going to see if we can get on a wait list for a tour (or if there’s another way to get someone to meet in person, while we are in town).

You may want to check the Social Sciences Change of Major requirements page for each major within the department. I think it’s fairly easy to do, but depending on which major you’re changing to, you’ll have to take more math.

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Oh this is very helpful – thank you! Looks quite doable. I’m guessing the kinds of classes they want you to take are those that she’s probably likely to be wanting to take anyway. Thanks!

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Anyone else receive the Anteater welcome packet? So filmsy! haha! looked like a flyer!

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