UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yeah even we are having the same trouble. Not finding any kids or their parents to talk to before making a decision. I am worried about classes, I hear all sorts of things about UCI

  1. Kids don’t get their desired classes at UCs and are not able to graduate in 4 years ( though we are hoping that he graduates in less than 4 years as he has lot of AP classes)
  2. UCI has a suitcase type of feel or a commuter feel
  3. Yesterday someone told me that its is in remote area where there is not even a grocery shop ( how far is UTC from campus dorms ?)
  4. I don’t find much kids who choose UCI for CS from OOS like WA, they are leaning towards Purdue than UCI if they have both options in hand ( which makes me think if we are making right decision for our kid )
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Whom did she email? could you please share the email id ?


My daughter is a 4th year at UCI.

There is a grocery store and small Target across the street at UTC. Several restaurants too. Walking distance for sure. Just about everything you need is there.

UCI has a stellar CS program. The school is no longer just a commuter school. On campus housing is in high demand. The campus is beautiful and staff is very supportive of students completing their degree in 4 years (4 years is very common). The school is also very much a research school that will help students with internships and research before graduation.


My daughter didn’t choose to go to UCI in the end, but we did visit on admitted student’s day back in 2019 and she has friends there.

  1. Absolutely untrue about no stores. Just steps from campus is a cute little shopping area full of coffee shops, restaurants, a trader joes etc. I think it’s called UTC?
  2. One of her friends finished in 3 years (Political Science major) and is now studying a masters there.
  3. Don’t know about the commuter feel, but have definitely not heard that feedback from my daughter’s friends who are there. Lots of socializing and activities available. Lots of clubs, fraternities/sororities etc.

I hope some of that helps.


I agree with everything you said and just wanted to add one point.

Irvine is one of the safest cities in the entire nation, it may not sound like a big deal until you have kids going to UCI and some other college at the same time and both fail to call you for days even weeks.


I know, right? Kids…. Wait until they have their own and realize they ought to apologize.

What makes Irvine safe? Is it an older population? Is it surrounded by other towns with older people? We’re in the Bay Area and rarely ever venture past Gilroy. SoCal seems chaotic and congested with pollution problem. But we’re used to the problems of needles and poop in SF so I’m sure outsiders don’t understand us.

If you went this week, students are on Spring Break.

All of the UCI alumni I have known (and I know many since I live in SoCal) have graduated in 4 years, including one who graduated in 3 (because of APs). He also had a great job in tech before graduating last June.

UTC is across the street from campus and walkable from most of the freshman dorms. It also includes an In n Out, which I’m pretty sure there isn’t one at Purdue. :wink:


Irvine and the whole of south Orange County are master planned communities and generally, newer and affluent.

  1. The majority of students graduate in 4 years. Changing majors, not taking enough units (180 is needed to graduate) or being picky with class timing, professors or GEs can extend the amount of time that it takes to graduate. I have a child attending a private school and courses fill there, just like they do at UCs. You can look up graduation rates by UCI campus here.

  2. I had never heard of suitcase until last month but that describes UCI. I wouldn’t say it feels like a commuter school. UCI is also known to have a lot of dance teams. However, there are plenty of students at UCI who do not dance. There are also plenty of students who stay at UCI over the weekend. It is important to be aware of a school culture before deciding.

  3. See the link above for Campus Plaza. There is a large Albertsons (same as Safeway, Vons) in that shopping center.

  4. Can’t help you with that.

Non-resident costs for Purdue based on their current COA is around $44K/year

Non-resident costs for UCI based on their current COA is around $64K/year. A $20,000 difference is significant.


You’ve already received good answers, but I answered similar questions regarding nearby shopping options a few days ago, a little further up this thread.

There’s also 2 large, outdoor shopping malls somewhat close (but definitely not in walking distance): the upscale Fashion Island, technically in Newport Beach, and the Irvine Spectrum, further away but larger and more popular w/ a younger crowd.

As to why Irvine is safe: Irvine, and this area of Orange County, the Newport Beach, Newport coast, nearby Laguna, etc., are some of the wealthiest areas of the state, if not the country. Irvine itself is a master-planned, very suburban community, very family oriented. Only the corporate/business area, w/ some high-rise buildings/light industrial near John Wayne airport, feels remotely urban.

I’m from Southern California, so don’t easily have a similar Bay Area place to easily draw comparisons with. Perhaps Brentwood?


You’ve got some good responses on 1 - 3. I would like to add some food for thought on 4.

According to UCI, 4-year graduation rate at UCI is 73%. According to Purdue, 4-year graduation rate at Purdue is 65%.

Take it for what it is and if that’s what matters to you.


Would you mind sharing a link that says UCI COA is 64K for OOS. According to this - Afford | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI, for OOS living oncampus I’m seeing 72K. What am I missing?

Is your daughter doing CS there ?

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Yeah I also think that is the main reason for anyone choosing Purdue over UCI if they don’t have preferences about weather and location

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I am not aware of Bay Area too. I am from Seattle.

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I only looked at direct costs such as Tuition /Fees and Housing/meals for UCI. I did not include Books/ Transportation/ Personal expenses since this can vary widely so if you include all these then UCI is closer to $72K/year.

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We just got this today! Definitely no bonus points to UCI on the welcome packet :joy: — not even a sticker haha. Maybe that will come later?

I should check the mail. Was hoping the UCI and UCSD packages will cheer my daughter up after the UCLA waitlist :slight_smile: