UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

I did not intend to imply that UCI was cut throat. If that is how it came across, I apologize. I would not describe UCI as cut throat. Berkeley on the other hand… :wink:

I did not intend to imply you did. Sorry for my bad choice of words.

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Lol. My daughter was the same. As soon as she opened the envelope, she went ‘Oohh’ and immediately put the banana slug headband on her head and spent the rest of the day walking around the house with it on :joy:


My son said the same thing, LOL.

The good news is that new 1st year students do get a free sweatshirt sometime during registration (either fall or winter).

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Interestingly, UCI was built before the city. It also wasn’t named after the city of Irvine as it was established (1965) before the city of Irvine (1971). It was named after James Irvine who managed the Irvine Ranch, which later became The Irvine Company. The company donated/sold the land on the ranch for the university in the early 1960s. Joan Irvine Smith, who recently passed, was a major proponent and advocate of bringing a major university to the area.

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Well that’s good to know:) My daughter opened a bunch of other college offers along with UCI and was like oh its just a letter. Do they not send out any swag or stickers or even a packet LOL

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Also, I was told that the new students will also get a sticker when they get their sweatshirts. :smiley:


Funny thing… I remember being in Girl Scouts (Brownies) and taking a field trip to this new college called UC Irvine. It was really really far away from civilization (or it seemed that way at the time). It was the UCM of that era - located in the middle of nowhere.


Last night, my daughter completed her SIR for UC Irvine. We are visiting Irvine this week and enjoyed walking around the campus, as well as exploring the area. She is so excited! Thanks to everyone here for helping us make this decision.


Congrats to your daughter! My daughter’s a junior and just sent me a pic this morning of the flowers blooming around a campus building. It’s been a chilly wet winter, but Aldrich Park and the campus should be beautiful for your visit.
Edit: oops, just noticed that you said you’re already there & exploring…enjoy!


Congratulations! Zot! Zot! Zot!


How impacted is Biological Sciences at UCI? I got waitlisted and really want to attend because it is local to me. I love the campus, especially if I will commute. Is anyone who got into UCI rejecting their offer to UCI for another school?

It’s so hard being waitlisted. For the 2021-22 year, the “yield” was 20% which means 80% offered a spot said no. I can’t promise what will happen to you, but clearly many people choose other schools.

For the admitted students day on April 22 where can we find the agenda? Thanks

Last year that didn’t share specifics until arrival. Here’s the general information which you may have already read: Celebrate UCI | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Change major before May 1st SIR.
based on this link it seems that they may allow to change major from ICS to a different school.

Does anyone have experience with that?

Did anyone get waitlisted to CHC? Is there info on how many apply and how many get waitlisted?

Is anyone here from Arizona that is thinking of UCI? My daughter is leaning towards deciding on UCI so would love to connect.

It’s on the admitted students website - there is a tab for Celebrate UCI and agenda is there