UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

But it can be hard to get classes as many popular ones are priority to those in that major. I would have the student call a department advisor and as how hard it is for a minor to get he classes needed

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Hi! My DD23 SIR’d to UCD for molecular and microbiology and was admitted off UCI’s waitlist for BioSci (we have until 5/25 to decide). I already asked the Davis community on CC but also wanted to ask UCI community if you know which program is better. She is considering med school. We’re from Los Angeles and DD23 feels like Irvine maybe too close to home😆. We drove to Davis this past weekend and she loved the the campus and the college town feel! We will visit UCI on Wednesday. What are pros and cons to majoring BioSci at UCI?

shanaSR, thanks for the heads up. I’m calling for sure.

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Does my son need to apply for housing while waiting for my direct loan application? My son was waitlisted, but was admitted May 10th. Please advise… thanks :pray:t3:

If he plans to live on campus, then yes he should be applying for housing after he accepted his admission from the waitlist.

Students admitted after the May 01, 2023 deadline are not guaranteed housing but are encouraged to apply and be placed on the housing wait-list.”

I’m posting here too per parent suggestion.
How everybody here is dealing with the dorms/housing situation? For the students who cannot commute the dorms/housing is essential. And, in our case, commuting is not feasible.

what do students do if they cannot get out of the dorms WL? Do they rent an apartment and look for roommates? What areas do the students like to live? of course apartments close to campus would be better.
Anyone here has some wisdom to share with me?

any insights into the summer bridge program at UCI? does the cost only cover course/dorm or does it cover food as well. Thanks in advance!

In the FAQ for Summer Bridge it states that the fees cover the courses, room and board (food).


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I encourage you @Owl1 and others to join the Facebook group UCI Parents Chat Group for the wealth of information offered there.


Join the UCI c/o 2027 discord at https://■■■■■■■■■■/XgUMJjRsxa
! Make friends, find roommates, and get help here.

Does anyone have info re the UCI Alumni Scholarship? Is is worth applying for? Chances of being awarded? We are out of state, looking for all available $$ to support tuition! Thanks in advance!

It is worth applying for any scholarship that your student is eligible for. Not applying guarantees no $$.


Question for @Gumbymom or anyone else in the know. Are there statistics anywhere re: the number of scholarships UCI awards each year? I’m particularly interested in stats for the Directors Scholarship and the UCI Alumni Scholarship. Thanks in advance!

I am not aware of any scholarship stats and how many are awarded each year. Other than what is listed on the website, there is not much information unless previous recipients can elaborate.

Based on historical posts, not many are awarded each year.

I would contact the FA office and ask.

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The common data set for UCI will have that info. For 2022-2023 It appears 333 pure merit (not need-based) scholarships were provided (about 3% of incoming class - so almost nobody) with an average award of about $8k. https://datahub.oapir.uci.edu/files/campus/CDS2022_23.pdf

thank you! Just wondering tho…looks to me like more like 6% of incoming class…what figures did you use to come up with 3%…just curious…either way it’s a tiny number!

Just bad math on my part, it is indeed 6% and now I can’t edit it. doh!