UC Irvine vs. UC Santa Cruz vs. Sonoma State (Hutchins School) vs. Mills-(...LOANS!)

<p>UC Irvine / Santa Cruz - 10,000 more $ would be a big stretch for parents.
Mills - Graduate with 60-80,000 debt (Nooo bueno.)
Sonoma - Hutchins great program + full ride.</p>

<p>I know Irvine is a lot more prestigious than SSU but how much does that matter, if you're planning on going to grad. school?</p>

<p>Mills is out. Are we talking 10K per year more? Is so take the full ride at Sonoma State!</p>

<p>I know Irvine is a lot more prestigious than SSU but how much does that matter, if you’re planning on going to grad. school? </p>

<p>Yes it does unfortunately, but if you do really well at SSU this will not be as much of an issue. If you decide between the UC’s, Irvine is a top 50 school nationally.</p>

<p>Have you visited each school? What did you like about each school?</p>