UC Merced Class of 2027 Official Thread

Daughter got accepted. No email, but was in her portal. UC GPA 4.19 ELC


S23 accepted UW GPA 3.9 UC 4.3


Are the Merced decisions out for everyone?


S23 was admitted today!

Major: Electrical Engineering
UC GPA’s especially the Capped weighted: 3.46

Comments about course load (including senior year):25 A-G
Number of UC Approved/AP/IB/DE courses: 0

Extracurriculars: Hawaiian outrigger canoeing, guitar, drums, Jazz band

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): CA/ San Jose

Also accepted to University of Hawaii- Manoa, CSUN and Chico.


UCM does rolling admissions throughout March.

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Just to add. Daughter is in AP Capstone program at her HS. 8 APs/7 Honors. Daughter is Global Studies Major. In-state, Not a lot of school-based ECs, but heavy community-based service.


S23 Admitted to CSE, UW: 4.0, CW: 4.36, ELC, Some programming experience in EC, In State


Both my sons got accepted today. Received emails as well.

Major: Computer Science for Both
UC GPA’s especially the Capped weighted: 4.17/4.23 (Capped Weighted)
ELC (top 9%): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 25 A-G (Both)
Number of UC Approved/AP/IB/DE courses: 10 (Both)

Extracurriculars: Soccer (High School & Club)
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service: 100+ hours Volunteer Service

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In State, Bayarea
Country (if international applicant):


I was admitted. I got an email a bit after 3pm. Here are my stats:

Major: Environmental Systems Science
UC GPA’s especially the Capped weighted: 4.33 W, 3.93 Capped, 3.66 UW
ELC (top 9%): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of UC Approved/AP/IB/DE courses: 13.5

Extracurriculars: Eagle Scout, Varsity Tennis, Founder of Nature Club at my school, music as a hobby, hiking as a hobby
Job/Work Experience: Math Tutor, Nature Center Internship in progress (hadn’t started at time of application)
Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer at my church

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): Roseville, California
Country (if international applicant): USA


There was an email said check portal for decision at 3:11pm.
Son accepted for Mechanical Engineering
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.33
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.52
School has +/- on grades, school UW GPA 3.95 at application, 3.92 after 1st semester senior year
ELC (top 9% CA HS): probably not (based on counselor)
In state, San Francisco


Son accepted for Mechanical Engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.8x
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.1x
ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes
7 APs (including 4 in senior year, 20 credits DE all As)
In state, Bay Area

I have twins, the other son didn’t apply. Both accepted by UCSC


Son accepted to Electrical Engineering w GPA 4.2, unweighted = 3.9, not sure about UC GPA.
In-state, lots of leadership EC.
Dual-enrollment classes, 3 APs, many magnet honors classes and mock trial.


I had seen posts on this thread about 2pm yesterday that decisions had come out. Daughter checked her portal and her admission was posted. She got an email about an hour later.

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When will the merit scholarship notification send out for admitted students?

Question for the group. If your kiddo got into UCM and UCR why would you choose UCM?

You might find this thread helpful.

A very honest opinion on UC Merced.

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This discussion is more dated than the one linked by @lkg4answers but also worth a read. UC Merced Campus Tour (Impressions)

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Can’t wait for the day when we no longer have to answer “Why UC Merced?” Perceptions are always a lagging indicator of reality and that is true for UC Merced too.


The more I read about the new opportunities, growth and student experience with smaller classes, new campus at UCM, the more excited I’m. Based on the future growth pretty soon Merced would become Davis.


@Gumbymom @diskusr @avfall23adm Ah you misunderstood my question.

I wasn’t referring to academics (after all US News Ranks Merced at 97 and Riverside at 89) as they are pretty much similar. Also, they are both growing UCs so will attract plenty of money from UC.

Rather, I was referring to the overall college experience. Merced from our visit was a very isolated farm town and Riverside was close to LA. I’m curious why people would just Merced for a better overall college experience if the teaching experience is the same as Riverside.

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