UC Merced Class of 2027 Official Thread

I don’t have a “pony in the show” this year. I have a sophomore at Davis and a junior still in high school who will apply to all of the UC’s next year. She probably doesn’t need to , but my thinking is: “if it’s a UC that you truly want, then you apply to all”. It has been a really tough year for admissions this year and I have a lot of empathy for all of you seniors. There was a great post about Merced by a prospective family last year ( maybe year before) and it’s very detailed and gives a lot of good info about the school. I am a true believer in finding the school that is a “good fit” for you. I cringe when I read people make comments about two of the UC’s being the “best”. All of the UC’s have different qualities that make them a good or not so good fit for each individual. Of course I am going to be biased towards Davis because my son goes there and I know a ton about the school and community. And others are going to be biased towards the schools they are familiar with, that’s just how we operate. BUT, everything I read about Merced makes me believe that it has amazing programs. We will tour Merced next year. I am super impressed with your decision process in getting yourself to the school that is the best fit for you . Good luck, You got this.


We’re taking our son to visit UCM Next Thursday-Friday. Then, we will attend local UCM event in Anaheim Saturday. As of now it’s our top choice.


BTW, you do know you can submit SIR to one school and later change your mind and go elsewhere? You will just lose that $250+ deposit, that’s all.


Idk I think its based on financials, but i read on the website that UCM waves the deposit fee for some people

Just became a Bobcat


I’m trying to submit my SLR but its gone off my to do items. However, it was there yesterday. Is anyone else having this issue?

I just received the email from UCM saying about the admission for top 9% students. Is that mean the prediction of waitlist for other UCs are going to reject me so they granted a spot for me? Or I can still wait for the waitlist I currently have?

You can remain on the other schools waitlists but they are offering you a spot at UC Merced since your choice UC’s have not admitted you.

ok thanks

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S23 applied to UCB, UCSB, UCLA, UCSD and UCI and was rejected by all…he just received notification of acceptance from UC Merced, which was completely unexpected (He didn’t apply there). Interested in Computer Engineering…anyone knows if students are admitted directly or if they have to go through selection during their freshman year to get into Engineering majors at Merced?

Congratulations! Are you sure he was admitted into computer engineering? Do you mean computer science and engineering?

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If he is ELC eligible (top 9% HS or Statewide) and does not get an acceptance at his choice UC campus, his application will be referred to UC Merced.
Computer Science and Engineering is a direct admit at UCM.

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Thanks…I am not sure. I asked him to check on his portal but he was too busy with homework…:roll_eyes:

@Gumbymom: Didn’t quite understand “Computer Science and Engineering is a direct admit at UCM.” Could you please clarify?

My son got a similar letter. Admit is ‘undeclared’ though. When trying to change the major on the website, we do not see "Computer Science’ as an option in the list.

The major at UCM is Computer Science and Engineering. Not all majors are available for referral applicants. If admitted into a major it is a direct admit. If admitted Undeclared, then the student needs to go through the process to change majors.

Note that School of Engineering faculty will not allow changes into the Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) or Undeclared-Engineering majors at this time.

  • Your next opportunity to declare CSE or UND-ENG would be after Fall 2023 grades post in late December 2023.

To declare, you must have:

  • Good academic standing at UC Merced and
  • Draft graduation plan for your intended major loaded in My Degree Path and
  • 2.00+ cumulative GPA at UC Merced and
  • 2.00+ prior term GPA at UC Merced and
  • Certain courses completed with C- or higher based on student’s total number of units (including AP, IB, and college courses taken in high school) and
  • Additional courses completed to declare BIOE, CE, CSE, or ME major based on student’s total number of units and
  • Must be able to complete entire degree within 10 semesters (not including optional summers)
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After looking at the portal it turns out that he was admitted as “Undeclared”. Given the info provided by Gumbymom (thank you :grinning:), it does not really make sense for him to consider this further considering that he has other admits in Engineering program. Based on this and other considerations (other options are more attractive geographically) he just declined their offer.

@Gumbymom I have received an invitation to participate in the CSE placement exam can anyone explain what that is?

Here is the FAQ about the CSE Placement exam.
Computer Science & Engineering Placement Exam Frequently Asked Questions | Engineering Academic Advising.

All UC’s will have several placement exams for various subjects such as Math/Chemistry/Writing etc… Some are required and some are optional and some can be waived based on SAT/ACT test scores ie. ELWR.

You may not take it. If you don’t take it, the school will ask you to register a preparatory CSE course, if you are CS major.

Yeah Im not gonna take it im CogSci in the humanities college