UC Merced vs ASU vs Minnesota for CS

Looking for inputs about UC Merced, ASU and UMinnesota for CS major. Which one would be the best option if tuition is coming same after scholarships…TIA!

The one that fits you best. You have size, weather and other issues. The two biggies will be best known but none are bad schools.

Which fits you best ?

For UMN, would you be entering as an undeclared student in the College of Science and Engineering? If so, note that there is secondary admission to major based on college grades. 3.2 college GPA automatically admits, but if your desired major does not have enough capacity, admission is competitive for students with GPA below 3.2: CSE Admission to the Major Statistics

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My kid got admission into all three for computer science major. Trying to find out which is better for overall academics, internships and placement at the end.

You can see career reports online or ask.

But CS - internships will not be hard to find whether through the school or on linkedin or indeed.

It’s up to the kid though - how much will they hustle.

Here’s a UMN link - but it’s not thorough with percentages.

All schools will have them.

Define better academics? All schools will have great and not great profs and often it’s the student that determines the academic quality. Do they go to office hours? Ask questions? It’s not really a quantifiable question.

You can see the placement reports and decide. Unless it’s in state, I’d probably focus on the two bigger names. But I would assume the two larger are interchangeable.

Good luck.

PS - I put the Brown University open rankings. One of the posters put this up the other day - and it gives you some validation via different rankings. I know a student at UTK - #102 on this list - and he’s had no issue finding multiple internships this year (he’s a 2nd year) - he has a job and free housing this summer…so each of the top two will be just fine and likely Merced too.

Career outcomes and salary data | College of Science and Engineering (umn.edu)

computer science open rankings (brown.edu)

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