Uc nightmare

<p>ok so since i was in middle school i was always told that i need to go to college. and ever since then(idk if its then or than lol english nerd :] ) i have wanted to go to college. but the thing is i am no in a very good school district where no one really talks to you about what it takes to get to college. all they care about is if your passing your classes our not. so up untill now i have been aiming to just pass my class, not really understanding about gpa. and now its my jr year. for my last 3 yrs i have an over all 3.15 gpa, but i fear that it is going down lower than this because i had break down on finals and bombed the test and ended up getting a C in two classes, the rest were all B.</p>

<p>now with it getting harder and harder to get into a uc i fear i will not get into the one of my dreams(ucsc). I was thinking about telling this story in my essay, but i feel like i will be pushing my prombles on the school and not myself.</p>

<p>well if you write about how you are from a low income area/family or about the social-education environment and how you overcame a struggle in order to get good grades and be eligible to attend a UC, that could be a decent essay. </p>

<p>get good grades this next semester, dont make excuses. raise that GPA and go to a writing center at your school or ever your local community college. have them help you write a really good essay about your socioeconomic situation and what was previously said. also i would start volunteering at a local church for community service hours, join a sports team or club at your school, do everything extra curricular to buff up your stats. </p>

<p>if you are motivated you can get into some school, somewhere. make it a goal and do it</p>