**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

no clue :frowning:

My portal also changed BUT I have the forms still

I have forms still? :pleading_face:

hmmmm I would assume that everyone’s is just updating at a different rate?

maybe it’s a good sign if u have forms? like maybe it means they accepted you, so you’ll need to forms or something?

did you have forms before when it is first changed?

i didn’t

tbh i wouldn’t worry about what forms means i think they’re probably just updating it in random waves bc its hard to do it all at once


nope. mine only changed once. and when it changed there was no forms and the withdraw application link dissappeared


I think still having the forms is a good sign, which kinda sucks cause I don’t have any forms now :upside_down_face:

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Will it come in waves

It’s always a bad idea to read into minor portal updates, just causes stress. Nothing will indicate whether you got in or not besides the actual decision


that is true. I think we are just trying to figure out if everyone has the same thing or if it is only for some people

i would hope the actual decision would indicate something lol

I heard the opposite earlier in the chat where someone said forms isn’t good and no forms is good? but i’m not 100% sure

checklist is gone does that mean anything?

I would assume all of this just means they’re prepping to release decisions, forms being gone or not gone can probably just be chalked up to tech error; for the record my checklist is gone too

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is the withdraw application link at the bottom of the page gone too?

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god damn scsd why are you causing me so much stressss


are there more people without the forms than with the forms?