UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

Oh I saw that post on Reddit. That’s actually a really good point about UCI. It’s possible that not everybody will hear at first (which may mean a waitlist or rejection). I’ll prepare my kiddo for that.


Hey guys! Hoping for the decisions to come out today , Best of luck to all
Please keep us posted


has anyone received anything?

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nope still waiting

nothing yet rn

Someone posted that it was 4:30 last year?

i’d bet on 5pm but lets hope for an earlier release

nothing sir, not yet.

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My son was accepted at UCSD in 2021, results came out around 4:30PM. Going through the same agony with my daughter. So glad I only have 2 kids, this is insane.


I totally agree! So glad this is my last! I’m a UCSD alum and my daughter is there currently. If son doesn’t get in (with possible UCI and UCLA results too!) it could be a really rough evening… Best of luck to all!

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san diego is coming out… check your portals

nothing yet

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my friends’ just came out… mines a blank screen


right now???!!?!

like everything is gone besides the “welcome (name)”

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seems like only waitlists are out right now

mines a blank screen too


Nothing yet for me ;(

only waitlists are out what is going on :fearful: