UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is what the CS website states:

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high demand for CSE courses, CS minors do not receive priority for CSE classes and we cannot guarantee you will be able to complete the minor requirements before graduation. Because of this, minor required courses should be taken out of academic interests and not solely to earn the CS minor designation on a transcript.

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Thank you, yes I read that too, thus my concern. She actually has really taken to CS so it would be great for her to have the opportunity to pursue it if she discovers that she is seriously interested. Thus we are considering BU because it offers the flexibility of double majoring in CS, whereas with UCSD, even a minor is in question.

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You might have her look at Mathematics-Computer Science at UCSD. I don’t know that much about it, but my niece (graduated from UCSD a few years ago) entered as something bio-adjacent, couldn’t transfer in to CS after she changed her mind, but majored in Mathematics-Computer Science, and is in a job with a bunch of CS majors. I don’t know about minors, or if that’s still viable, but since it’s a slightly different option it might be good to share. (Lurking here b/c my son is likely headed to UCSD.)


There is also cog sci, design and interaction which blends design with CS and is uncapped. B.S. Spec. Design and Interaction


Thanks for the suggestion. We will look into it.

Appreciate your input. Great to know. Lots to find out about the colleges between now and commitment day.

Thanks so much as i heard from many people that they cant extend their OPT in Southern California as an international student and even they need to fly out to Australia

For in-state folks, when do we get confirmation that we qualify for the middle class scholarship, and if so how much the student will receive?
I have checked the 23-24 income/asset ceilings, but there is so much I don’t understand about how the FAFSA information is processed.

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Do we have, or find published, any data on wait list, for UC in general, or UCSD in specific. AFAIK it varies widely. Sometimes long lists, sometimes few taken, sometimes many. Is there a UC wait list thread.

There is a campus specific UC Waitlist discussion for each UC. Data from at least three to four years is listed on each discussion thread.

Bless your heart. Between you and askmssun website I’m running out of questions. Found one such thread here. UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread - #4 by Zoey2877

The first place students might see that they qualify is here https://mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov/. The final Middle Class scholarship awards are not determined until the state figures out how many students are eligible and amounts can very widely across students depending on other grants they are eligible for. The actual award might not be loaded into students’ financial aid accounts until after the fall semester/quarter has started but, in my experience, that also varies by school and the state timeline each year.

Has anyone received the Accepted Student packet in the mail yet? There was a post on the Admissions IG account showing they were mailing packets a week ago but my son hasn’t received anything yet.

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Nothing here either.

We have not and we live in SD

I was just thinking that today. Have yet to get it here in Northern California. My guess is that they filmed the preparation for the IG post but likely still had thousands to produce. Soon enough, I hope!

Not sure if OPT is a Federal rule or California rule. I thought it was Federal.

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OPT is federal

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No package received but we are east coast

@lcarlson90 we have not and we live in San Diego