UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

how is the off campus housing around the campus? are they easy to find and rent is reasonable? also for freshman, are the dorms, double, triple occupancy? I’ve heard there can be suite styles with up to 7 people?

daughter got assigned to ERC so any feedback on the dorm situation would be helpful

You can look at the off-campus housing website: https://offcampushousing.ucsd.edu/

Rent reasonable in La Jolla? Depends upon your definition of reasonable. Close to campus, rentals will be limited and very expensive. Farther from campus, more options but students will have a commute.

I asked this on our tour and then drove around after to look. Off Gilman, walking distance to campus there are some apartments. Then some others down by UTC, that the students can ride the trolley to. They said both areas are popular for off campus housing. Did not check pricing but I’m sure if you called around there you could find out.

Also each college has a layout of the dorm configuration on the website for that college. It’s all a mix and some suites have 6 up to i think even 11 people, made up of singles/doubles/triples.

We live in San Diego. La Jolla is a very expensive area. It’s very nice though! Off campus housing won’t be cheap! I think most of the UC areas are expensive except maybe Davis, UCR, UCM, but that is a guess.

From our experience at UCSD, we would see the amount around December as a credit to the student account. You don’t have to apply for it. Students are automatically considered if they submit FAFSA. The FA office will email out the award notification. So, students would not know about the award (eligibility and the amount) before the May 1 decision day.

If your health insurance has in-network physicians near campus, you can consider waiving student health insurance which will save you about $3,000/year.


ERC dorm is nice. Mostly mid-rise buildings, some units with ocean view. It is in a relatively good location on the campus.

that’s good to know! how many in a room?

do you select which one you want?

what is the “market” that students refer to on campus. I assume its not a dining hall but a marketplace?

There is a place called “The Market” at Seventh College and then a Target is on campus in the main quad by the bookstore. I think “The Market” has food/essentials. Not sure if you can use dining dollars there.

Each college/dorm has a “market”. It’s basically a convenient store (including grocery like milk, cereal, etc.). Some in the same building as the dining hall. Some are separate. And you can use the Dining Dollars at the markets. As a student you cam eat at any dining hall and use the Dining Dollars at any “market”.


You can select roommates, request a single, double or triple type of room, but the dorm unit will be assigned.

Hi:) looking for info on UCSD for my son. Any input on the Econ department, Seventh College, or overall school thoughts and vibes? Coming to Triton Day but also admitted and looking at UCLA and Cal Poly. Thanks!

got rejected here and got into cal make it make sense


If you are instate and NorCal it would actually make perfect sense.

All UC’s review applicants independently and each UC campus is looking for fit by their definition. UCB found you were their fit and not UCSD.

Daughter applied for CS but got in Undeclared at Seventh College. What are the odds of working her way into CS?

She will not be able to switch to a CS major if she was not directly admitted. The department anticipates that after summer 2023 there will be not be any spots in this major available for students who were not directly admitted. The CE (computer engineering) major is also heading in this direction, and the Data Science major has also become very difficult to switch into (requiring a 4.0 UCSD GPA, and even at that level, some students are being rejected).

There are some other CS-adjacent majors that are possible, however, such as Math-CS (capped) and Cognitive Science (currently not capped). It depends on what her interests are. She can look over this information about Computing Paths: Computing Paths

One caution for a student interested in CS, but pursing another major such as Cognitive Science, is that CS majors have priority in their classes, so it can be difficult for a CogSci major (for example) to get access to these classes, even though they are listed as electives in the CogSci major.

Has she been directly admitted to CS anywhere?