UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

[quote=“tamagotchi, post:121, topic:3617619, full:true”

Maybe it is just a glitch that it is not appearing on the portal. But even if your second choice major has disappeared in the system somehow, it seems that the only consequence might be that you could be admitted as Undeclared rather than as your second choice major… wouldn’t that be correct?

Yes, I guess so. It just makes me stressed out. I just emailed them and hope to hear back as soon as possible.

I just checked and my alternate major (History) shows up. Prob nothing to worry bout since you did check the box but best to confirm with admissions. Good luck!

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Good to know those are great stats and similar to my son who is waiting to hear . I don’t think he even selected an alternate major he is only interested in computer science and has a very specific path he has wanted to do since middle school so if he doesn’t get in he will go where he is accepted into CS. UC Davis is on his list as well but we are OOS and don’t qualify for need based aid so not sure we want to spend 70k a year :woman_facepalming:t3:


Such a wealth information on CC that I wished I looked into more when my older son applied to college 4 years ago .
To provide some historical data which shows how competitive CS major is:
In 2019, older son applied as either CS, CSE or EECS for all schools. 3.92 UW (school GPA)/ SAT1570/NMF, not sure what his UC UW or capped was as he did all the apps on his own. He was rejected by UCB, waitlisted UCLA (didn’t get in the end), accepted by UCI (honor), UCSB (honor), UCD, UCSC. UCSD accepted him for undeclared. He ended up attending USC for CS with Presidential/NMF scholarship.

Last year, a good friend’s daughter applied for CS major. 3.98 UW (school GPA)/ SAT1570 (also not sure about UC GPA). She was rejected by UCB, waitlisted UCLA, UCI (didn’t get CS in the end), other UC’s (presumably UCD, UCSB, UCSD) accepted her but not CS, accepted for CS at UCSC. She is also attending USC fall 2022.

Right now, younger son is waiting for UC decisions. His first major is mechanical engineering. He listened to school counseling dept.'s suggestion and listed mostly a non-engineering major for 2nd choice, typically the applied physics kind. Unfortunately, physics is capped in UCSD, so he put down something called “Math-applied science” (I thought it was applied math but that’s what it shows in the portal). We will see what happens.

I have always had this question as to which GPA does all of the UC campuses look at, is it the capped UC calculated? In both of my son’s high school, they have -/+ grades, so A- = 3.67, A = 4, although A+ is still just 4. So a school transcript of 3.9x could be a combination of B+'s and A’s or A-'s and A’s. But I realized that on UC GPA calculator such as the Roger’s or the CSU calculation, A-=A, B+=B, which changes the UW GPA from what’s on the school transcript. My older son had 2 B+ and lot of A’s. My younger son has many more A-'s but no B’s, yet their school GPA are almost the same. My older son’s school had AP classes and my younger one’s school has no AP only honors. So when I look at those average admitted GPA from various UC’s, I am very confused.


Is it possible to transfer to CS (I presume this is in the engineering school)? I always hear it is “impossible” but is there actually a pathway for this? Thanks!

This is what is posted on the UCSD website regarding changing to the CSE major.

Starting in Fall 2022, the incoming CSE class is growing and it will be hard (if not impossible) for students to switch into CSE majors if they are not admitted directly.

For several years, changing into CSE after enrolling has been extremely difficult and never guaranteed even if meeting all the requirements. There is a pathway to change into CS but only for current UCSD students but not at all likely for new admits or prospective students.

Only students who were admitted in Fall 2021 or earlier are eligible to apply for the current capped admissions process through the Spring 2023 admissions cycle.


The UC’s will look at all courses and all grades from 9th-11th grades. For their GPA calculation, they will consider the UC unweighted GPA, Capped weighted UC GPA and Fully weighted UC GPA.

The UC’s spell out specifically how they calculate all 3 UC GPA’s and which courses are weighted for the extra Honors points. For California HS students, they can look up their HS’s weighted classes on the UCOP website. UC approved Honors, AP/IB and DE courses which are UC transferable get the extra honors points weighting.

The GPA most commonly listed for example on the UCOP website is the Capped weighted UC GPA with a maximum of 4.4. UCLA/UCB on their school websites list the UC unweighted (max 4.0) and the UC fully weighted (5.0) on their Freshman profiles.

Unless the UC campus specifies which UC GPA they are listing, most likely it is the Capped weighted UC GPA.

On UCSD’s Freshman profile, the average GPA listed is 4.13 which would be the Capped weighted UC GPA. For 2022, the range listed is also the Capped weighted UC GPA.


Same for my daughter. Major showing up but alternate blank. She did go in and change her alternate before the 1/31 deadline. She received an email confirming the change. She will keep looking this week. Please let me know if admissions responds to you. Thank you.

What?? I checked my portal just now and it shows both my 1st and alternative majors.

The same for my D. She changed her first major and alternate on 1/30 and received a confirmation email. Now the alternate is missing. Does this happen to all the kids who changed their majors? Thanks.

Sounds like maybe that is what’s happening. If it was changed after original submission. Hopefully it is all fine and showing on their end just not on what we see. Thank you for letting us know it’s happening to others.

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Mine wasn’t changed and I can only see my first major-- should I email them and ask?

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Also first major only, alternative disappeared.

Should I be alarmed? I can see both my first and second majors. I am OOS state tho.

Is it only Instate people that can only see their first choice major? Or am I just slotted to be rejected once again from another school? - As it seems that they have not even bothered to even update my account

I would not be alarmed. As long as the majors you applied are showing up, you are fine. It seems like applicants that may have changed their choices are seeing some issues. Decisions will not be out till March so portals take time to be updated. No portal astrology here.


my son’s portal shows the alternate major, but he did not make any changes.

My son changed his alternate, but early on in November, and both his major and alternate are showing. Who knows!

This is exactly the position my D is in. Her stats re low and she has picked 2 capped majors. We did an email to consider switching to an uncapped alt major. But she didnt want to change it because she said she didn’t want to compromise on major just to get into a UC and in this case if she didn’t get in for these majors, not likely she would have been able to transfer into it later either. She was able to say this only because she has a couple of admits form CSUs that she would be ok with. These are tough decisions and there is always a tradeoff!


I just checked the Portal again and the alternate major showed up now. Probably nothing to worry about ,maybe they just need time to update the portal.

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My daughter’s is now showing an alternate but it’s the original not the updated alternate. Maybe will get updated this week.