UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

I changed my alternate Major from Chemical Engg to MATH-CS on 30th Jan. Received a confirmation email acknowledging the change as well. And I am pretty sure the change was reflected then. Now when I login to the portal it still shows the old Alternate Major i chose when i submitted my application. Should i write to the admission?

Couldn’t hurt to check. Let us know what they say.

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My alternate major showed up now too.

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Both major and changed alternate showing correct now.

My daughter applied to two capped majors and did not change alternate to uncapped by 1/31. Is there any way to appeal or still modify or are we stuck.
She’s bio major 4.21

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The deadline was January 31 so no way to change now but it cannot hurt to contact admissions. Why did daughter not take advantage of changing her selection when she had the chance?

This was UCSD’s first year of contacting students with the option to change into a non-capped alternate major so they are trying to be proactive in enforcing their recommendations when applying to a capped major.

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One more concern …
My D selected Major and Alt Major - both appear on UC Apply site and confirmed. UCSD portal shows only Major and Alt Major blank. My daughter flagged this to them - sent a screen shot of how it was submitted etc.
Are others having this problem?
We did not make any changes to capped majors so should not be a result of a modification. TY

Same with my daughter’s portal.We did not make any changes. Only showing first major.She emailed them did not hear back yet.

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Ok checked the portal just now again. Looks like they fixed the problem and both majors are showing now.

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Son’s UCSD portal had the same issue as you @Grad_23. We emailed UCSD last weekend and got reply just saying that change of major deadline has passed. I called admissions just now and they said they are not aware of any issue and since I am a parent calling, not the applicant, they can’t look into son’s account. But at the meantime, the portal shows the proper second major. Well, I think there is definitely some issue with the portal periodically. I took a screenshot with the computer’s time stamp now just as an evidence:)


Son just received a UCSD email on experiencing the campus. He get excited to see the emails but it is hard waiting for decisions!


My son is currently a sophomore at UCSD. If you have any questions about the campus, etc. (from parent standpoint), feel free to ask me :slight_smile:


Hello! What is your son majoring in? How does he like the campus?

He is in CSE (CS in Jacob School of Engineering).

UCSD campus is very large (1,200-ish acres). I personally think that the college system makes the size manageable. My son is in Warren College. Warren has about 4,500 students. First year students actually attends classes all over the campus. My son often attended the lecture in Muir, Revelle and Sixth. If you walk from northernmost to the south, you will start at Seventh College ->Roosevelt ->Marshall → Sixth → Muir → Revelle → Eigth (under construction) with Giesel Library in the center nearest to Marshall and Warren College to the east of the library near Price Center (where the food court, restaurants, bookstore, Target are). Each college’s has its own dining hall, Sixth is being known for the best food for the moment. Also, there is a convenient store/market at each college dorm.

UCSD being D1 from last year, it seems the sport team spirit has gone up. The main staple is the basketball team. As a parent I don’t think UCSD is “socially dead”…Students seem to be quiet but they were pleasant and seem happy. There are parties and off-campus Greek parties. You just have to find out where to go. But the campus was quiet (meaning everyone seemed very serious in studying for the exam) during the mid-term week and the finals.

My son struggled a bit at the beginning to go from one classes to another at different colleges due to distance. But overall, once he got used to the campus size, it’s not too bad. The campus trolley stop is convenient for going to downtown San Diego and the airport. Beach is about 2-3 blocks walking distance. They just finished the construction of an amphitheater. There often have concerts and performances every weekends.

My son has not complained much about the campus, except it’s large.

Hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


My S21 is a sophomore in Warren, majoring in Data Science. I totally agree that it is not socially dead. He is having more fun than he was in high school.


Hey guys so I got an email from UCSD regarding CASP newsletter so I’m wondering if it implies I got admitted? Or am I thinking too much into this?

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Glad to meet a fellow Warren parent!

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Got a generic “Stay connected with UCSD” Email. Anyone else get it?


We got it too.


I got too. And it says by mid-March. So does it mean decisions will be released before 18th?