UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

The odds to declare CS is near zero. But I think data science is very likely if the grades in gateway courses are good as @Gumbymom says in the post.
this Reddit post says he got in with B-, A and A-.
Given your son’s high academic achievement, he probably won’t have any issues getting in. It’s just that he has to be sure that it is data science he really wants. My son thought for one day and decided that he really wants to get general CS education before he decides on a specific CS track (maybe in Junior or Senior year).

Thank you, @Gumbymom , @cqian8828 ! My son has had his mind set on general CS, it was just me trying to get an idea, it doesn’t look like worth the risk. Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: UCSD Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Yes, each college has its own requirements. I was able to find a very comprehensive requirements list for both the college and major at the UCSD site. It breaks it down college by college. Some are more writing intensive, language focused, or project based. According to my son, his college is the least writing intensive but does have a senior project. Thx!

It was drizzling this morning Triton day. The place was packed.


That’s exciting to see. People haven’t been able to visit campuses for quite some time.

It was already dreary at Triton day yesterday. It was drizzling all day and the skies was dark. The mood wasn’t right. Then we checked my daughter’s Revelle College. It was alright nothing to be excited about. The buildings definitely is stuck in the 60’s. Until we saw what the sixth and the seventh Colleges look like and I’m like wait a minute that’s not fair. Then i realized Revelle College is so ugly and it’s not even close.

We got the same impression from the videos we watched on UCSD… the buildings look old. Our D22 got in to Muir for Bioengg. We are planning to visit to see how we feel about the campus because the program is highly ranked. Currently visiting Purdue and UIUC - very beautiful campuses and very warm, friendly vibes! Though nothing to write home about the surrounding towns…

Agreed. The Purdue campus especially is very well kept but the surrounding neighborhoods are meh at best.

May I ask what made you decide against the two UC’s? Thank you

Anyone with experience with quarter system versus semester? One concern we have is how dense and intense quarter system would be at UCSD

There are a couple of recent threads discussing quarter vs semester. You might look here:



Thanks so much!

D22 was accepted to UCSD
Pharmacological Chemistry major
Roosevelt College
Invited to apply to the PATHS Scholars program

Out of state applicant
GPA 4.0 UW/4.3CappedW/4.6 uncappedW
IB Diploma candidate
Dance, cheer, student council ECs
Long term volunteer for a children’s cancer foundation

Also accepted at:
UCI (Chemistry)
U of Miami (Chemistry)
U of Washington Seattle (Chemical Engineering)
U of South Carolina (Chemical Engineering)
U of Hawaii (Chemistry)


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A post was split to a new thread: Decision between UW, UCD or UCSD

My daughter just committed today. She also enrolled to the summer bridge program. I’m not really sure of the benefits but it’s free. The program starts in July and ends September 3.


Same - waitlisted for Math in UCSD, accepted CalPoly SLO, SJSU, Long Beach SU
Thinking about CalPoly SLO, but not committed yet.

What did you decide?

I would like to know regarding registration payment for dorm in UCSD. I am going to do SIR and pay $250 for UCSD, which I understand will get forfeited if I get off the UCLA wait-list and accept. Being international student, when do I need to apply for UCSD dorm and pay the dorm registration fee? I would like to delay this payment as much as possible (until wait-list results are clear). Appreciate any help/suggestion in this regard.

According the housing deadline for UCSD:

  • Signed Housing contract and $450 prepayment due date: May 31, 2022

If you cancel the housing by 7/1/2022, you will receive a full refund of the $450 deposit.


Cal Poly SLO. You?