UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you - fingers crossed!


Do they typically send an announcement like UCSB?

UCSD has not announced a specific date for admission decisions in the past few years.

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So I looked into the source code of my portal and it says something about “ACCEPT YOUR OFFER”… anyone else have this?

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I don’t think that is any indication, but it’s obvious that the website is a work in progress

Stuff like these is hilarious!

Fall 2022 First Year Status Portal/*<![CDATA[*//* dont know what this does


Wonder who Josh is, and why they didn’t remove the comment after adding whatever needed to be added. Also wonder if the person who didn’t know what CDATA does is Josh or whomever was assigning stuff for Josh :slight_smile:


someone just posed on zeemee that their “college counselor just got an email confirming that UC San Diego will post decisions tonight or tomorrow” can anyone else support this info?

Seems, very out of the ordinary for UCSD. The past few years they’ve been releasing them on a Friday, but who knows!


I kinda hope it’s true… having UCI, UCSD, and UCLA on friday is spiking my anxiety. UCSD coming out earlier than expected would ease my anxiety a bit haha


Sooner = better :slight_smile:
Let’s rip off the band-aid and get some decisions going so we can start planning and shelling out some cash for deposits!!


Id suggest looking around on the portal to see if theres any changes… thats usually been indicative of when decisions come out for the past few years

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anything further on this ? surprised nobody else has info one way or another…


I have March 18th on my calendar. I think I got it from this thread.

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I will be monitoring this thread!


This could be putting my student’s cart waaaaay before the horse, but just in case the admissions decision is favorable when it finally comes out…
I know housing at most places is somewhat of a concern (especially in CA). How are things at UCSD relative to UCSB or CalPoly SLO? Can/do students stay in their assigned college facilities for more than one year? Is off-campus housing reasonably available, or a nightmare to obtain?

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Here is the UCSD Housing information. All UC’s guarantee housing to Freshmen whom submit their housing application by the deadline. Unexpected issues such as Covid has limited the # of students housed in the on-campus dorms which hopefully will not be a reoccurring issue.

Off campus housing is expensive in La Jolla area (UCSD), in Santa Barbara and in SLO. There is some 2nd year on-campus housing available but usually limited and on a 1st come basis.

Housing Priority & Eligibility for UCSD

Will there be a priority system for the 2022-2023 Academic Year?

In order to receive priority consideration, students must meet the admissions and housing deadlines.

Housing will be offered using the following priority order:

  1. Scholars in UC San Diego programs that provide four years of housing guarantee or mandate living on campus as a condition of their offer.
  2. New incoming first-year and transfer students.
  3. Returning second-year students, including second-year transfer students who resided in on-campus housing for at least two of three quarters during the 2021-22 academic year. (A lottery system will be used to set the order of invitations. It is likely that some students from this group will be assigned to a housing waitlist.)
  4. Remaining second-year students, including second-year transfer students. (These assignments will be made from a waitlist based on waitlist application date. Historically, we are able to accommodate only a very small group in late summer.)
  5. Remaining third- and fourth-year students. (These assignments will be made from a waitlist based on waitlist application date. Historically, we are able to accommodate only a very small group in late summer.)

We expect to house groups 1 and 2 and some students from group 3.

What does it mean to be eligible for Housing?

Eligibility for Housing means that your current conditions/status allows you to be offered a housing contract.

To be eligible for housing, students must:

  • Be a registered student that is enrolled full-time.
  • Meet all housing deadlines.

Thanks, @Gumbymom.
I was hoping maybe some parents in the know could give me a sense of how much of a headache it is to secure off-campus housing if you don’t get a second-year (or later) slot in the on-campus housing. I accept that it will be expensive at almost any of the schools my son is looking at (with the exception of UArizona/Tuscon), but I am wondering if it is logistically difficult. I have heard stories of some schools where scoring an off-campus lease takes tons of lead time and/or luck (eg, finding someone with an existing lease that you can take over before they tell the landlord they aren’t renewing, securing housing almost a full year ahead of time, etc).
Is off-campus housing difficult to arrange at UCSD, or is it “just” the case that if you have adequate funds, securing something safe and close to campus is just a matter of finding what you like and signing a lease? I would love to avoid having to engage in a mad scramble of trying to get inside information on what will be coming available and camping out at leasing offices to try and secure something.

I would suggest based on a friends D that attended UCSD and my son that attended SDSU, start early. They went off campus apartment hunting during Winter break Freshman year and secured housing in January for the following school year.

The housing office will have information about off campus housing in the area, so that would be first place to check.


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is there a chance sd will be coming out later today?

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OK - thanks! So it sounds like with enough foresight, it’s not so bad to secure something? That’s helpful.
(and yeah, those rents are steep - guess who was being foolishly optimistic? :laughing:)

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