UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

D attends UCSD - she is actually commuting Junior/Senior year - as we live local and it just worked best for her. None of her friends have had difficulty finding housing. Some live pretty far from campus for cheaper rates - some live very close. Living on campus Freshman and Soph years was great!! It is an amazing - and VERY large campus! Move in/out was very easy and very organized. If he gets in - go to the Open house it is very fun.


There’s always a chance that it comes out today but the consensus has been March 18th, Friday.

We’ll see if it’s today quite soon!

Thanks, @darbygurl ! That is helpful. I am hoping he gets in, even if just for an excuse to get back to San Diego for a a bit. Thanks for the heads up on Open House.

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There’s tons of housing near campus in an area called “condo hell”. Lots of apartment complexes, many upscale and pricey but not all, and definitely a nice, safe area by almost anyone’s standards. Some students move further away to less expensive areas, or closer to the beach. There is now light rail operating to campus so that opens up some options. On campus parking is at a premium, difficult to find spots during the middle of the days. I am alum and in my day, the norm was to live on campus freshman (in dorms) and soph (in on campus apartments), then move to condo hell or elsewhere. Hope that helps a little! I’m still in the area. Loved my time at ucsd. My son is waiting for his decision but we doubt he’ll stay local.


Thanks very much! I didn’t realize there was light rail. All very helpful info - thank you (and we are close to our state flagship school too - it would be otherwise perfect for my son other than that he feels like he can almost see the school from our back yard :laughing: :roll_eyes:)

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My son has been living in the dorm since last Sept and he took the light rail and shuttle to the airport to fly home last December. I am not very familiar with SD, but it seems like the light rail makes going to the campus much easier if students decided to live off campus and it is free (included in the student fee).



Correct me if I am wrong, but UCSD and UCLA came out on Wednesday last year right? Maybe we may see the same today.

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UCLA decisions came out on Friday March 19th last year.

Edited: UCSD decisions came out Friday March 19th last year.


My daughter graduated in 2018 and both UCSD and UCLA released decisions on 3/16 that year (it was a Friday)

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Oh looks like I am crazy. Sorry about that lol.


Is there a chance UCSD comes out today since it came on a Thursday last year?


I believe UCSD came out last year on March 19th (the same day as UCLA) and that was a Friday:)

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Edited: UCSD came out Friday March 19th last year as stated a few posts back.


Oh gotcha thanks! I was just looking at college kickstart but maybe they just had the wrong date on there lol.

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With all due respect @Gumbymom, I believe last year’s decisions for UCSD were released on 03/19/2021 around 4:30ish which would have been a Friday.


Thank you, I did type in the wrong date. It was Friday March 19th last year.


I have two kids that graduated from UCSD in past 6 years. Off-campus housing is plentiful along the bus routes. There are a lot of relatively spacious 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available as long as you start looking early. Both of my kids had the opportunity to live on campus second year. One did and the other did not. (The one that did not figured out that based on their housing lottery numbers, the suitemates would have to split up and they wanted to all stay together (5 of them) so they moved off campus into a 3 bedroom). If you put 2-3 kids in a 2 bedroom or 4-5 in a 3 bedroom it is actually less expensive and significantly more spacious than living on campus. The neighborhoods that are close to UCSD and along the bus routes are high traffic but seemed very safe to me as a parent. As someone else noted, the goal should be not to drive to campus and have to park. That is the tough part. And I would also note that parking can be limited at the apartment complexes with each apartment only getting two spaces. That was a hassle…but less of a hassle than having to find parking on campus.


Just checked the portal… it says…
Thank you for applying to UC San Diego. We are currently reviewing applications for fall 2022.
First-Year admission decisions will be posted on this Applicant Portal by the end of March.

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was it different before?

I had this since the beginning; I don’t think it ever changed.