UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

When was he admitted?

does anyone know of any biochem majors being admitted from waitlist?

i havent heard of ANY bio related majors coming out yetā€¦ are all the spots full?

I hope not! I know that biochem is not capped, so hopefully they will admit people from the waitlist

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Most everyone (parents/kids) on these threads have been on at least three different waitlists (my son was on FIVE). Brutal experience. Definitely not for the faint of heart.


there were a few (albeit VERY SMALL like 2-3) that i heard got off who were bio related majors (human biology and general biology specifically)

The past two months have been truly agonizing. I will never understand how straight A students with the most rigorous courses, leadership, Sports, volunteerism cannot get into UCs. My D & numerous friends with similar stats have 1, maybe 2 UC acceptances. Is it truly the fault of being test-blind? Covid grade inflation? I canā€™t wait to see the stats on admittance, waitlists for 2023. Hopefully it will provide a clearer picture.


I talked to my counselor about this during college apps season and was told

ā€œYouā€™re considered for admissions at UC within the context of others at your school. ā€ Iā€™m not for 100% sure if this is true but if it comes from my counselor I guess it is which means bigger districts with more people are going to have more competition; competition also depends heavily on major too.

Being on a waitlist sucks :sob::sob: I was geeked af checking this forum site to see if anyone got off like 40x a day good luck to your kid though

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Hi! I got off the waitlist for Neurobiology this past Monday May 22nd. It wonā€™t let me add a pic but I swear Iā€™m not like a liar or anything I know there was some problems with that earlier.

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What does paying vast sums to support UCs mean?

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State income tax at 10-13% + property tax with median home prices in the school district over $1.5M. You can do the math, itā€™s a lot of taxes.

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Kids from affluent families in good performing schools can easily pack all UCā€™s if thatā€™s the only people the state government wants. Thatā€™s why admission is holistic so that your kids can compete with others from the same school with context.


has anyone got off for math (any major in the math department)?
iā€™ve only seen physics majors off the waitlist, but physics isnā€™t a part of the math department

is it safe to say that things are potentially looking better than last year? considering the fact that by may 23rd last year they sent out some rejections and there is yet to be rejections for this yearā€™s waitlist?

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anyone got off for pharmaceutical science or biochem? are those capped majors?

Those majors are not capped and no one has posted on this discussion that they have been admitted with either major.

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Didnā€™t see any undeclared social science majors. Normally they offer that major to many waitlisted students.

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I actually know two people who got off social science undeclared

No, Iā€™m also waiting for the same thing. From what I saw almost every UC hasnā€™t started releasing math department majors except data science and stats

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