UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

have those uc’s kept the waitlist open until august in the past? (thanks for all the info btw!! :sunglasses::sunglasses:)

UCLA and UCR have extended their waitlists into August last year and during the height of Covid other campuses extended their waitlist timelines.

did they originally say an earlier date and then extend it later on? how close to their original date did they extend it? do you think there’s a chance ucsd will extend theirs if they still havent sent out rejections? thank you for always being so insightful and patient :pray:t3:

Most schools will not give a definite date on when they will close their waitlists since it is dependent upon reaching their target enrollment numbers. UCSD last year changed things up by sending denials to some waitlisted students and keeping others on a short list for possible openings later.

There is no point in speculating until you get a Decision. If they waitlisted 50K+ students like last year, odds are not in anyones favor at this point. It is almost 2 months since the SIR date so everyone needs to move on. I personally do not like waitlists and prefer a decision one way or another but I understand the reasons for having them. I think that UCSD should really scale back the number of students they waitlist to something more reasonable. Denials are tough but waitlist limbo is worse.


it says on ucsd’s website that final decisions will be out by june 30 so im gonna assume there’s no extending and everythings gonna be out by tmrw



Anything yet?


I called the admissions office and they said that they will be releasing all waitlist decisions today and that there will be both rejections and acceptances


oh i don’t like the sound of this :sob::sob::sob:

oh my gawd :sob: imma expect disappointment so i don’t get disappointed :smiley:

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no bc seriously. at this point it’s almost torture to give yourself any hope :sob::sob::sob: i feel like there’s not gonna be many acceptances if any

Thanks for calling!! I wonder if they will accept some appeals since there is a possibility some of those accepted will reject their offer thus leaving some open spots….

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Can you appeal to a WL rejection?

I just read the waitlist faqs linked on my initial decision letter and yes “Waitlisted applicants will have an opportunity to appeal after final decisions for all first-year waitlist applicants have been released.”

Anyone get a decision yet? Prob gonna be released around 3 like regular admissions

Is it normally like 5ish?

got nth but most waitlist decisions came out around 4:30-5 pm pst so im actually expecting it around then


UCLA pulled from wl this morning. See cc ucla thread.




anything yet