UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Thank you for your opinion and I am not sure why I was tagged? Probably since I am UC Champion for this website and it becomes par for the course. I understand your frustration about the situation and going test blind has put UC admissions into a difficult position with little warning and trying to figure out how best to approach the situation.

All our students are hard working and deserve a chance to shine at one of the many California universities but the plain fact is there are too many high achieving students for the number of spots that are available and do not think just going test blind can be blamed. My niece whom I mentored through the process 3 years ago, had similar results with a 4.33 weighted GPA and 32 ACT so a lack of test scores was not a deciding factor, although she got into 1 UC but had no interest in attending.

There are many things wrong with all college admissions, no system is perfect and I am not defending the UC system in any way. I am just a parent volunteer, not affilated with the UC system in any way so a neutral party whom has observed UC and Cal state admissions for many years. I am here trying to help students navigate the flawed system we have and try to encourage to them to look beyond the “dream” or the name and look for the great opportunities so many of the schools offer.

My niece was also devastated, my sister spouting similar remarks about the state of college admissions in California and guess what, she went to not any of her top schools but is currently thriving since I twisted her arm to include a few non-UC schools (ie. Safeties) to her list.

Unfortunately for California students and the UC’s, the test blind policy stays at least until 2024 admissions. I will not go into the issues associated with OOS or International admits since this is a Catch 22 situation and the UC’s have addressed several of the issues involved by setting up enrollment caps and no longer funding financial aid for these applicants but I agree our priority should be CA students.

My final closing comment is about social media since you referenced Tik Tok. There is a discussion on CC about Reditt and CC and the differences. Several posters have noted that if they want to truth, they come to CC over other social media sites so I would also take anything posted else where with a grain of salt.

Wishing your daughter the best and since all UC decisions are posted, hopefully we will see movement on the waitlists and students will have a 2nd chance at their top schools.

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